General Aircraft
This forum is for general aircraft modelling discussions.
Aeroscale Volunteers
Staff MemberSenior Editor
United Kingdom
Joined: June 11, 2003
KitMaker: 17,582 posts
AeroScale: 12,795 posts
Posted: Saturday, August 12, 2006 - 01:43 AM UTC
Hi all

First off - an apology! I really should have posted to acknowledge everyone who's stepped up to the mark to volunteer before! My bad. I do appreciate every offer we've had - and fear not, they are all safely on file.

If all goes according to plan, late August will be the time we begin to bring the full Aeroscale Forum on line. (I say "we", but it's obviously mostly Jim_S - with me pretending to be helpful by holding the spanners and trying to look like I understand what he's doing! :-) ).

Aeroscale will grow in stages. First-off with the Forum - and then more roles will present themselves as we get moving. Some of you who've volunteered (or been pressganged!) have already heard from me, but I will contact everyone individually who's been kind enough to volunteer once the shape of things becomes clearer. So please don't feel left out if things seem to be moving ahead without you - there'll be plenty of work to go around!

Thank you all again - and all the best
