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Tech guys - what is this part
Illinois, United States
Joined: September 09, 2002
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Posted: Sunday, August 13, 2006 - 05:27 AM UTC
Hi all and I have a question I was hoping someone could answer for me.

I am working on the photo for my P-47 and at this time I am working in the wheel wells. In the pic below there is a part that I am wondering what the heck it is. I have scanned through any books that have technical drawings but none show or explain what this thing is. I have also gone through quite a few walkaround pics to find it but no luck. There is only one part and it only goes inside the right wing wheel well. Can anyone tell me what this is

Thanks for looking and good modeling,
Illinois, United States
Joined: September 09, 2002
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Posted: Sunday, August 13, 2006 - 05:39 AM UTC
Me again,
If this helps, I finally found a walkaround pic with this in it but no explanation for it.

Thanks again for looking,
Illinois, United States
Joined: February 01, 2006
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Posted: Monday, August 14, 2006 - 09:50 AM UTC
Could it be a shock absorber of some type?
It looks similar to the shocks at the rear od my Harley Fatboy
Or some type of actuator to raise/lower the landing gear strut?
Texas, United States
Joined: March 20, 2005
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Posted: Monday, August 14, 2006 - 12:51 PM UTC
If you're talking about the olive drab cylinder; it is the actuator for the gear, what push's it out and pulls it in. But if you're talking about the long silver rod, it's probably what we call an accessory rod, something used to hold open a door when it's worked on, or the area it covers is worked on, and no hydraulic pressure is applied. They're normally held down with small " U " clamps when stowed. Hope this helps.
Illinois, United States
Joined: September 09, 2002
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Posted: Monday, August 14, 2006 - 05:14 PM UTC
Thanks David and Jerry for checking this out for me.
It is the long silver rod that I was questioning which I will now call an accessory rod. Wouldn't there be one in both wheel wells? I can always make another one on my own but I am surprised that there weren't two in the pe set.

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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, August 14, 2006 - 11:06 PM UTC
I think that it's some sort of handle, to do what i don't know, but it looks removable as it is clipped in position. Things like starter handles are sometimes stowed aboard aircraft. If only one is required and it fits in the wheel bay, then that's why there is only 1 and it is available to the ground crew when it is required.
Whatever it is it might be used to reach inside somewhere to lock or unlock something. I'm interested to know what it actually is
Illinois, United States
Joined: September 09, 2002
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Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 05:48 AM UTC
I am back to confused again :-) :-) I am really curious now to know for sure what this darn thing is.
Between David and Jerry's first answer and Mal's post I have scratchbuilt and installed two of these thing-a-ma-jigs :-) One in each wheel well.
In the end I may now have some kind of hybrid/experimental type P-47.
...........maybe a P-47 and 1/2
Even if we find out there is really only one of these things I think I'll go ahead and leave my second one in. It looks pretty cool anyway. The second will be a spare thing-a-ma-jig in case the first thing-a-ma-jig breaks :-) :-) :-)
Hopefully we can find a definitive answer on this one

Texas, United States
Joined: March 20, 2005
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Posted: Thursday, August 17, 2006 - 05:54 AM UTC
wayne posted a couple of pics of P-47 whell wells on my gallery. Still can't seem to load pics up here,lol. don't see anything resembling your rod. Which makes me believe it is an accessory rod. Look at the ends. See the little silvery balls on both sides of the skinny end. Thats what we use to connect the rod to a mount on the door or the plane.In one of the pics I found if you look in the middle of the inboard door edge you'll see a small clamp. It's where the door hooks up when closed, could also be where your rod connects when hydraulics are off to keep the door open. They use similar style rods on the aircraft I work on.
Hope thw pics help.
Illinois, United States
Joined: September 09, 2002
KitMaker: 537 posts
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Posted: Thursday, August 17, 2006 - 07:10 AM UTC
Thanks a lot for the info Jerry.
You had brought up it being an accessory rod earlier in the thread. You obviously have experience with things like this being an aircraft mechanic ... very cool .........excellent
I appreciate all the help everyone,