Eduard Fw 190 A-8 construction
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Posted: Monday, October 02, 2006 - 07:22 PM UTC
Hi all
today I have started the construction of this beautiful kit. As I do not like the cockpit part very much I just glued the side panels (and sanded them down for the colour PE), the map case, the "cargo" door and some other stuff that needs to be RLM 66 an put it aside ..
Then I chose some other sub assemblies...
First the fire wall with the MG 131 mountings. I guess the parts should be glued right angled. You should have some kind of jig for that as the fuselage halfs are pretty wobbly, even with the cockpit tub included ... (maybe it is better when you strictly stick to the instructions)
Once the glue had cured I drilled out the ejector chute and shaped it with a scalpel and my motor tool. The 5 part cowling was straight forward and it fits the lower wing great ...
Now the wing. this may be the first thing that could bring novice modellers into trouble. Even with the provided adjustment help it is not 100% sure you get everything centered. take your time and dry fit twice before you glue (strangely I am just a µ off-center) The rest of the construction here is a little fiddly for my chunky fingers, but in fact quite easy.
Here are the pix:

I hope Rowan gets his work done so he can also build the model and share some experiences and pix ...
best wishes
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Posted: Monday, October 02, 2006 - 07:28 PM UTC
It seems like that we will have to watch our 6 a clock for butcher birds from now on then, hmmm? :-)
"I´m going back to the front to relax"
"Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant"
"When you're out of F-8's... You're out of fighters!"
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Posted: Monday, October 02, 2006 - 07:42 PM UTC
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I hope Rowan gets his work done so he can also build the model and share some experiences and pix ...
Great start Steffen
I'm afraid I'll have to do all the boring stuff like sprue shots etc. before I can start having fun.
Have you decided which markings you'll build yours in yet?
All the best
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Posted: Monday, October 02, 2006 - 08:18 PM UTC
Hi Rowan
Quoted Text
I'm afraid I'll have to do all the boring stuff like sprue shots etc. before I can start having fun.
That should not be a problem ... did that yesterday in 1/2 hour
Quoted Text
Have you decided which markings you'll build yours in yet?
I have build Dortenmann on a D-9 .. That must be one of the most long-living Doras: it was tested in Rechlin, then in mid 44 delivered to IV./JG 54 and when the war ended Hans blew it up with a grenade (against order)
So there is only Dahl left from the box ... unfortunately this machine is not fully documented and thus subject to some speculation. I browsed through Rodeikes book yesterday to find a nice scheme of a KC holder .. there is Bühligens "Tiger" scheme, but that is also not clear in terms of the colours used ..... so no I have not yet decided .. will have a look into my decal stash
best wishes
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Posted: Monday, October 02, 2006 - 09:24 PM UTC
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That should not be a problem ... did that yesterday in 1/2 hour
Hi Steffen
LOL! I probably won't be home from work for about another five hours... whether I'll feel like setting up lights and doing a photo session at that time of night I'm not sure...
All the best
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Posted: Monday, October 02, 2006 - 09:29 PM UTC
Hmm, ok then take those from the Eduard site ...
best wishes
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Posted: Monday, October 02, 2006 - 10:10 PM UTC
Hi Steffen
That's a very tempting idea! But I still won't start the kit tonight - I want to be awake enough to enjoy it! :-)
All the best
As I grow older, I regret to say that a detestable habit of thinking seems to be getting a hold of me. - H. Rider Haggard
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Posted: Monday, October 02, 2006 - 10:13 PM UTC
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So there is only Dahl left from the box ... unfortunately this machine is not fully documented and thus subject to some speculation.
Hi Steffen,
needless to say Lorant has additional pictures of this machine not in Rodeike in Vol II of JG 300..but unfortunately publication is still a few months away....anyway thanks for the heads-up on this kit - it is/was new to me ! I'd be interested to see how it compares with the other recent A-8s if you can cover that angle in your build ...
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Posted: Monday, October 02, 2006 - 10:27 PM UTC
Hi Neil
Honestly i was not going to mesure that model insde out .. I still have the Fw 200 in my stash collecting dust . The Eduard model does look like a Fw 190.
One thing I noticed was the thicker tail .. but that might be a glitch in my Mk.1 eyeball.
If you could be more specific what i should look after, I will try to find out.
As for Dahl I would prefer the "blue" 13 without the white border (not the Wochenschau a/c which seems to be some kind of hangar queen to me)
have to goi now ... Abendbrot ;-) as if i need that
best wishes
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Posted: Monday, October 02, 2006 - 10:42 PM UTC
not Dahl's ..but a nice 6./JG 300 A-8 flown by ace Hannes Theis...'Yellow 9' 'roter Hahn' ....just posted this on my site....
getting back to the kit ..the fit looks great - from the shots on the other post - the coloured fret is neat and the different colour options for the B-17 emblem show the guys at Eduard have done their homework there at least...the red fuselage band looks far too bright though..
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Posted: Monday, October 02, 2006 - 11:02 PM UTC
Hi Neil
Nice aircraft, but I mostly build highly decorated pilots (KC recipients for German a/c ... if possible)
thanks for the pic!
best wishes
BTW I do not like that dirt throwing between the 2 parties ... while Mr. L. is surely right on the "qualities" of Mr.O, he did some questionable things too. I do not want to start anything here! .. it is just a waste of time A blames B and B blames A ...
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Posted: Monday, October 02, 2006 - 11:17 PM UTC
..I guess you didn't buy one of Mr O's prints or decal sheets then Steffen ...'s more about correcting those errors ......but you're right ..back to the kit !!
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Posted: Monday, October 02, 2006 - 11:44 PM UTC
Hi Neil
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..I guess you didn't buy one of Mr O's prints or decal sheets then Steffen ...
No! ... i also have a special relation to Mr. O. since I accidently bought a 2nd Vol. 2 of the Henning/Bethge .. errr .. stuff and he refused to let me pick something else from his shop .. had to give that book to a friend who was not happy about that !
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.it's more about correcting those errors
ok, but while I am no native English speaker, I feel there is some kind of sour touch in that text .. maybe it is just a typical "French undertone" I also noticed in JG 300 vol.1
(as a remark to others: there is no animosity from me towards the French or any other nation, it was just that I felt the book had some kind of strange tone I did not know from other English or German publications .. I can't even nail it down to special things) .... I still like that book for the pix and because it is lightyears better than the previous try by h/b
Back on topic I still have to find a nice KC holders mount for my first Eduard Fw 190 A-8 ... the second can be Dahls a/c when I get that JG 300 Vol.2 ... hmm maybe I try Marquardts Fw 190 A-8 which he totally scrapped and walked away ... it would also give me the opportunity to show it at model events without needing to hide the swastika.
best wishes
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 - 12:00 AM UTC
my fave - if you're ruling out JG 300 and IV./JG 3 - might be Buehligen's 'double chevron' or Grislawski's A-7 or perhaps a JG 51 machine....assuming you've already done Baer and Priller ..
more colourful - and using some of the kit decals - might be Rudi Artner's 9./JG 5 .. not sure about the KC there though ...I've always fancied building Rolf Hermichen's overall 76 'black chevron..'
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Posted: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 - 12:10 AM UTC
Hi Neil
I would rule out any Sturmjäger with side armour as there will be an edition which hast these molded on !!! very nice and subtle!
Maybe you read my post before I added the remark that i would possibly do Heinz Marquardt's Fw 190 A-8 "w.15+~" .. the only problem is the wing .. it is impossible to see if the machine had the covers for the Mk or not.
I guess you are familiar with the crash photos ... can you comment on that?
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Posted: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 - 12:16 AM UTC
good choice ..I've always thought the MK covers were standard on the A-8 wing whether or not the cannon was installed ...I notice that they are built onto the wing in the kit... they potentially might have been separate parts if there was any possibility of doing an A-8 without them....
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Posted: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 - 12:47 AM UTC
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good choice ..I've always thought the MK covers were standard on the A-8 wing whether or not the cannon was installed ...I notice that they are built onto the wing in the kit... they potentially might have been separate parts if there was any possibility of doing an A-8 without them....
Well... I am not sure ... the longer I look at the photos the more I get the feeling it was a Fw 190 prepared for "heavy duty" ... the outer wing weapon cover (below the wing) looks as if it is for a Mk108 and I tend to believe VI./JG 51 left out any outer wing armament .. maybe I should pay a visit to Ruys forum or to LEMB ... in case you have "Das Jagdgeschwader 51" (Stipdonk/Meyer, vdm 1995) it is on pg..272
is there no easy solution ....?
best wishes
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Posted: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 - 01:20 AM UTC
yes a super book for 109 & 190 fans...I'll take a look
well, simple answer the Mk covers are there under the wings - I was refering to upper wing bulges earlier by the way.
The cannon themselves are not likely to have been fitted if Marquardt was flying freie Jagde but for ground strafing Soviet columns in East Prussia - maybe..
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Posted: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 - 04:11 PM UTC
Hi all
@Neil ... so you see the covers too ... rats (and I did understand you meant the upper wing covers .. I was referring to them as not visible in the pix in one of the ealiers posts)
@all .. now back to modelling .. until i have tio decide which wing I will have to mount
Here is one of my "favorite" modelling subjects ....
the Cockpit ... barly visible when finished, but I know everything I scewed up. ... this model is no exception .. two major glitches ... 1. I lost one of the small switches for the left side panel (PE 28 - the only part which has no spares) and
No.2 is the instrument panel right of the u/c switch and the emergency release handle (for bombs and drop tanks) ... managed to damage the printed stuff .. good it is (almost) not visible once the fuselage is closed....
Here is a reference for the cockpit .. take it as a guide but not as ultimate ref, because it is a restored example:
Fw 190 A-8 Cockpit (read the instructions there you can get much information by clicking items in the images)
and now the pix (BTW the colour difference between the etched parts and the airbrushed RLM 66 is mostly due to the flash):

constructive comments welcome
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Posted: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 - 05:20 PM UTC
Hi Steffen
Nice use of pre-painted photo-etched consoles and panel. The only difference between my test shot and your finished version is that Eduard accidentally finished the test shot parts in RLM 02 instead of 66. They said it'd be corrected before release, so it's great to see they did so.
As regards your earlier comments about overall accuracy - I did a very quick check this morning before I left for work and the kit seems to match A.L. Bentley's plans very closely in terms of dimensions.
All being well, I should be able to start playing with my kit tonight... now that's tempted fate! :-)
All the best
As I grow older, I regret to say that a detestable habit of thinking seems to be getting a hold of me. - H. Rider Haggard
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Posted: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 - 06:29 PM UTC
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constructive comments welcome
Hi Steffen!
I hope you won't take the following comments too personally, but I see many glue smears, CA bleachings and even seam lines that you forgot to sand away. I think that you are just too excited about the kit and that you are working to fast! :-)
I think it's like when you meet a girl. You first have to know her better, then invite her for a dinner, go watch a movie, offer her flowers each day etc... In short: give her enough time before... well, you know what I mean! :-)8
For the new Eduard Fw 190 it's the same... take your time and enjoy the build!
Better think one hour and build five minutes...
Than think five minutes and build an hour!
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Posted: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 - 06:30 PM UTC
Hi Rowan
thanks for checking the dimensions ... I hoped eduard did a good job. i just closed the fuselages and the cockpit fit well as the tails wheel strut ... still I find the forward bulkhead fit not too good .. it is not really bad either ... just fiddly
I also glued the fuselage to the lower wing and here the fit is very good. Eduard has put in some thought here !
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Posted: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 - 06:58 PM UTC
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I hope you won't take the following comments too personally, but I see many glue smears, CA bleachings and even seam lines that you forgot to sand away. I think that you are just too excited about the kit and that you are working to fast! :-)
Hi Jean-Luc
of course I take that personal .... after all that I've written in other posts in this thread I was just waiting for you to jump in ....
you are right (and also you are not for the “too fast” part...)
The glue marks always appear when I work with CA ... I just do not like that stuff but I have to use it and I do not like cockpits .. put that together and you know why it looks as it is ..
but once I put on a layer of Klear and another of flat it is not visible anymore and the pictures overexpose the blemishes, dust and so on. If you would stand beside me you could see the model in "another light"
Please could you point me where you have seen the seams I forgot to sand .. I do not know what you mean, but I would try to "repair it" ... if I can
thank you for your comment!! I really appreciate it!
best wishes
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Posted: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 - 07:25 PM UTC
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Please could you point me where you have seen the seams I forgot to sand .. I do not know what you mean, but I would try to "repair it" ... if I can
Hi Steffen
I bet Jean-Luc's referring to the garter at the base of the control column. After it's sanded you could also paint it slightly darker to represent the original rubber.
All the best
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Posted: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 - 07:36 PM UTC
Dang .. you are right .. I have totally missed that, so JL's remark about beeing too fast could have some truth in it.
That is not repairable any more, but I'll try to hide it under a layer of black.
BTW the rubber does have those seams

(left of the column in the pic and of course not as pronounced as on my model)

thanks and
best wishes