Okay, this my first model, a Revell 1/72 A-10. I've gotten quite a bit done on it, and I finally got a digital camera so I can show it off. YAY! Technically this isn't my first. The first was actually an M-41 Walker Bulldog that came out with a horrible finish, and just got worse when I started applying washes and whatnot to it. So it's now my test model for weathering techniques and all that good stuff.
So I 'm gonna consider this A-10 my first model, since it's my first successful one, so far anyway.
So here's pics. I have no proper photo set-up at all yet, not even a tripod, but comments and critique are more than welcome.

As you can see, I still have all the canopy work to do. I'm not sure if I'm ready to mask a canopy yet, especially on a 1/72. And I discovered quite a while after it was built that I glued the seat in too far up in the tub, therefore not allowing the canopy to close all the way. Grrrr.
All the ordnance is built but not painted yet. I get to sit on my butt for the holiday weekend because I just had arthroscopic knee surgery, so hopefully I can get some work done on it.
And I still need to put some Dull-cote on it, to kill the Future shine.
Thanks for any comments,