Hi Jim
All the editing credit has to go to Jean-Luc!

His energy and talent never cease to amaze me! This also goes for Stephen for the incredible job he's doing developing the Earlybirds section of the Forum!

I'm afraid buried is the word for me at the moment - I've just got home from work... 11pm and I'm going in tomorrow, making it another 7-day week. Same next week by the looks of it - in fact it'll probably be the heaviest of the lot, as the docco's deadline approaches.
The edit is enormous both challenging and great fun - but I really have just about run out of steam... I feel like I'm on autopilot as far as anything beyond the docco is concerned. I've got a bundle of reviews written out on paper, but simply haven't had the energy to type them out before crashing out each night.
Better go - it's another early start in the morning.
