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New Year's Resolutions...
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Posted: Saturday, January 06, 2007 - 02:54 AM UTC
Hi all

With my reputation, I know I should be the last person making plans for builds, but I can't help being an eternal optimist!

For me it's obviously a priority to get some stalled builds re-started:

Eduard's Fw 190 - but now with the added fun of including all the etched extras!
Vector's resin Lavochkin La-5F
Rest Model's Heinkel He 112 and R-5SSS

But there are already frighteningly distracting newcomers which I haven't even managed to review yet!...

I want to build them all! So - you read it here first... NO campaigns this year for Merlin! - unless, of course, they tie in with the models above...

So, enough of my (obviously) doomed resolutions...what's going to come back to haunt you for 2007?

All the best

Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Posted: Saturday, January 06, 2007 - 03:04 AM UTC
Hi Rowan:

That Loire 130M from Azur looks great. It would be wonderfull to see it finished. Good luck with all yor builds

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Posted: Saturday, January 06, 2007 - 03:09 AM UTC
Hi Rowan,
Well my New Year's Resolutions were to tidy up on and around my workbench, before starting any new kits, and not to buy any kits until I have built a few.
I have managed to keep one and have failed miserably at the other Resolution :-).
I also plan to finish off a couple of reviews that i seem to have lost somewhere .
And promise Yoghurt (Courtney) some desk time :-)8 :-) .
I do like that Quad Gun, now that would look good in a dio, breaking it again :-).
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Posted: Saturday, January 06, 2007 - 03:59 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Well my New Year's Resolutions were to tidy up on and around my workbench, before starting any new kits

Hi Andy

Actually, that should be top of my list too! I'd take a picture of the mess but, after a 2-month lay-off, there's not room to get a camera near my work-space!

But, assuming I get things cleared... the kits above are my intended victims for 2007!

All the best

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Florida, United States
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Posted: Saturday, January 06, 2007 - 04:13 AM UTC
My resolution here is the same as over at MG and Armorama, no new projects until I finish at least 50% of what's on the work bench. No matter how much I want to start another. :-)

Although I have to admit, that some previously started and stall projects just may hit the dumper. :-) :-)
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Saturday, January 06, 2007 - 04:35 AM UTC
New Year's resolution eh?

Tidy up my work desk is a constant... I have my bills and paperwork to file on my desk and must get it out of the way before I do any modeling. Sort of a gift I give to myself. (I have 5 children and two grand children, soon to be three) ...

I was thinking about starting an orphan's home for kits that have been under lonely construction tarpalines for a year or more ... Sort of an Island for unfinished WWI aviation kits. At my writing of this I feel great sadness and am overcome by the wave of high anxiety... Like an icy and barren glacier breaking and crushing the explorer modeler's hopes and serving only to collect dust and remind the builder of the vain attempt of half-hearted victory. This clinging to the modeler's soul as if faced with 3,000 miles of burning Sahara desert...it parches the creative juices into crusty flakes of useless fatigue... There now I feel better, anyone for tea?
Stockholm, Sweden
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Posted: Saturday, January 06, 2007 - 12:34 PM UTC
Your resolutions are so detailed, mine is very simple:

I shall finish at least five kits this year.

That is two more than in 2006...


Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Posted: Sunday, January 07, 2007 - 03:30 AM UTC
For this 2007 first I have to finish the following birds laying in the workbench:

Mosquito (Tse Tse) Mk XVIII - Airfix 1/72
Spitfire Mk VI - Hasegawa 1/48
Spitfire Mk XVI - Revell 1/48

My intention is to grow my collection of Spitfires and Mossies so I would be very happy if in 2007 I´m able to finish the following kits:

Spitfire Mk VII - ICM 1/48
Spitfire Mk VIII - ICM 1/48
Spitfire Mk IX - ICM 1/48
Spitfire Mk Vc - Airfix 1/48
Mosquito FB Mk VI - Tamiya 1/72
Mosquito B Mk IV - Tamiya 1/72
Mosquito PR IV - Tamiya 1/72

All these ones are waiting in my stash to be build.

If I finish them, my Spitfire collection will count 12 and my Mossie collection 7.

England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, January 07, 2007 - 05:21 PM UTC
Mine would be to actually have the time to finish the two I have on the bench now.
Sad state really.

Moselle, France
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Posted: Monday, January 08, 2007 - 12:03 AM UTC
Hi Rowan!

The usual "I will build that" thread... :-)

If you build half the kits you mentionned, I'll eat my socks! :-) :-)

Never heard about the Halifax guys? :-) :-) :-)

Anyway, here are my current projects for the first six months of 2007... but I think I will need the whole year to complete everything...

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Posted: Monday, January 08, 2007 - 01:01 AM UTC
Jean-Luc, please, please, please finish the Bugatti 100P project first. You keep teasing us with it every now and again, then it disappears. That is one cool looking plane, and when you market it, I'll be the first person in the line to buy it.
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Posted: Monday, January 08, 2007 - 02:03 AM UTC

Quoted Text

If you build half the kits you mentionned, I'll eat my socks!

Hi Jean-Luc

What is it with Aeroscale and underwear!?

The sorry tale of the Halifax is why I've kept this year's list much more realistic. So I only need to build half of them?... I hope you wash your socks regularly! :-)

All the best

Washington, United States
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Posted: Monday, January 08, 2007 - 08:49 PM UTC
Thanks for posting this thread Merlin. I like to think of this every year and, well, reflect back on how I failed last year's resolution :-) . For the last couple of years, it has been the same resolution as it is this year - build more than I buy, or at least give away/sell/build more than I buy. I think last year I was about equal adding as taking away from the "stash" but I remember when I started I said I would only have the one I was building and maybe one other for the future. I would really like to get back towards that...

So in reality, I would like to finish:

Started Corsair
Started Thunderbolt
Started Star Wars Battle Droid
2-3 others?

and buy:
Very few...

Am I the only one with this problem?

Thanks again for the invitation to reflect.
Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Monday, January 08, 2007 - 08:56 PM UTC

Quoted Text

Quoted Text

If you build half the kits you mentionned, I'll eat my socks!

What is it with Aeroscale and underwear!?


I was about to say the same thing. We seem to have something going with people eating underwear if you complete a model

As for aircraft this year. I must finish my Mig-15 and Gloster Pioneer. I have then got Trumpeter's Vigilante still to start and a Special Hobby JAK - 17. I am tempted by Dragon's P - 51. So we will see.

Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Posted: Monday, January 08, 2007 - 09:11 PM UTC
Hi Jean Luc:

what plan, markings do you have for the Spitfire Mk I ?
You hve a lot of work to be done.
Moselle, France
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Posted: Monday, January 08, 2007 - 11:38 PM UTC

Quoted Text

what plan, markings do you have for the Spitfire Mk I ?

Hi Carlos!

These will be special markings!

Quoted Text

I hope you wash your socks regularly! :-)

Rowan, My socks are safe!

Quoted Text

Jean-Luc, please, please, please finish the Bugatti 100P project first.

Andy, I didn't worked on it since one year! But if you say the right sentence, maybe I will be motivated to finish it!

Removed by original poster on 01/10/07 - 02:04:03 (GMT).
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 12:05 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Andy, I didn't worked on it since one year! But if you say the right sentence, maybe I will be motivated to finish it! Jean-Luc

Mon Ami Jean-Luc...I double dog dare you.

The great underwear threat of 2007. Fortunately I have no dog in this fight...I go commando.
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Posted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 01:16 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Rowan, My socks are safe!

Hmm - you might be right, Jean-Luc

But... 7 kits in the list and I only need to build 3.5 of them. I built 2 kits last year so, if I start early...

Better plan on wearing sandals next Christmas.

All the best

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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 - 12:34 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Quoted Text

Jean-Luc, please, please, please finish the Bugatti 100P project first.

Andy, I didn't worked on it since one year! But if you say the right sentence, maybe I will be motivated to finish it!


Ok here goes,
Jean-Luc, svp, svp, finissent svp le projet de Bugatti 100P d'abord. C'est une construction si intéressante, cela que c'est une honte l'a juste laissée rester dans l'obscurité.
If it doesn't make sense, I blame Babel fish translator :-) .
Moselle, France
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Posted: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 - 12:53 AM UTC
Hi Andy!

LOL! I thought more of something like: "Jean-Luc, if you finish your Bugatti this year I'll eat my shorts!" :-)

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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 - 01:02 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Hi Andy!

LOL! I thought more of something like: "Jean-Luc, if you finish your Bugatti this year I'll eat my shorts!" :-)


OK Deal, you finish the Bugatti and I'll let you eat your shorts :-) :-) .
Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 - 08:18 AM UTC
Hi Rowan,

My main resolution this year is to avoid the horrid dry spell I had last year. If it wasn't for the (self imposed) guilt trips associated with signing on to campaigns and then not finishing, I'd a have nothing to show for 2006 ! Even then, I only managed to complete about half of the campaigns I signed on for.

My second resolution is to finally build a WW1 bird, I've acumulated over 20 48th scale biplanes over the years, and the're just sitting there collecting dust... neglected... truly a sad sight!

Jönköping, Sweden
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Posted: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 - 02:24 PM UTC
Hi everybody.

I have never succeeded with a new years resolution in my life, so I'll leave them out. However, what I WANT to do this year is to finish my suite of Mustangs (I have one left, and haven't even decided on scale or make). I have got myself an airbrush and aim to learn the basics of airbrushing. And finally I want to get my swedish J 11 (Fiat CR 42) off the desk. It has slowly grown for three years, so it's about time. Maybe the airbrush can help me mottle it, but the fall to the trashcan is also an alternative.

Jean-Luc: I agree with Andy - I want to see the Bugatti finished, shorts or not!

Rowan: I urge you not to go commando in discussions like these. Put on your dinner plate, jeans are a bigger meal than a pair of tangas. :-) :-)