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Airbrush pressure: general gude lines
Washington, United States
Joined: September 23, 2006
KitMaker: 432 posts
AeroScale: 360 posts
Posted: Friday, January 12, 2007 - 10:21 AM UTC
Hi all,

I just purchased a general use home use air compressor and am curious what you all use as a general rule for air pressures depending on effect wanted (I know there are many variables, but just the basics). Such as:

1) Fine line
2) Splatter or mud application
3) Soft edge camo
4) Weathering effects

Ontario, Canada
Joined: September 15, 2005
KitMaker: 1,901 posts
AeroScale: 133 posts
Posted: Friday, January 12, 2007 - 11:01 AM UTC
Hi Derek,

I don't prescribe to any one given pressure, it all depends on the type of paints you use and the ratio of paint to thinner. I tend to do most of my painting (acrylic paint... Tamiya, Polly Scale, Tamiya thinner) at the 15 to 25psi range. With my underlying (primer and base) coats at about 25psi due to it being the greatest paint to thinner ratio, 60-40%. My pre-shading coat of paint has an increased amount of thinner (possibly 40% paint to 60% thinner) and allows me to reduce the pressure to about 15psi. My final blending coats are airbrushed using about 70 to 80% thinner and are applied anywhere from 8-15psi, this allows you to see the underlying paint through the final coat of paint.

As for soft edge and fine lines, I would increase the amount of paint, (possibly 65-35% paint - thinner) allowing you to get a solid line in one pass of the brush. Pressure should be at the higher end, 25-30psi.

I wouldn't bother trying to do splatter with an airbrush, it is after all a fine artists tool. I would venture to other methods of weathering to reproduce such effects.

Lastly,... practice, practice, practice...build your first few aircraft out of box to get as aquainted as possible with your new setup.

Good luck,
Washington, United States
Joined: September 23, 2006
KitMaker: 432 posts
AeroScale: 360 posts
Posted: Friday, January 12, 2007 - 12:29 PM UTC

Thank you very much for the tips. I am having fun putting my new compressor through its paces. I know it was kind of a hard question due to so many variables, but you certainly help clear up the basics for me (and others I hope).
