World War II: Germany
Aircraft of Germany in WWII.
Hosted by Rowan Baylis
2 More on the Bench
Virginia, United States
Joined: December 13, 2002
KitMaker: 1,434 posts
AeroScale: 403 posts
Posted: Friday, January 19, 2007 - 11:44 AM UTC
Here are 2 that are on the bnch as we speak. One is Revel's HE162 Salamander in 1/32 Camo is fictious but probable. I'm having alittle trouble whith a location to serve from with her Camo scheme. Here are her pics.

Ok the other is A pet project of some months. It is Trumpeter's 1/32 Me262 and it's great kit with some minor fit issues. Here are the pics.

I felt this one may be tail sitter, like the kits of this aircraft, so I left the gun bays empty so I could add weight if needed. After adding the tails she flip right back and sat there on her tail. I ended up adding lead fishing weights to the nose section. Next shot is just me playing and trying Alcad II Duralumium metalizer. I'll post my thoughts on why in another thread, but the undside on this one will be natural metal, hence the test.

And finally here she is almost ready for paint wings still arn't glued down.

Comments are welcome, Questions will also be answered. STUG