Hi gang
i still have not read Freds article ... he knows why. But as he asked me, here is my experience:
First let me state that this is one of the better CA kits ... one of the most overrated manufacturers IMO (if I see for what other manufacturers get bashed and smashed .... but I digress)
The kit is in the typical Special Hobby - CA Quality and looks good in the box (the kits done by Sword have a much harder and shinier plastic e.g. the F-5 or Bf 109 A). The wing(s) go together well and even the resin parts fit quite well. I added the Griffon ailerons but left out the landing flaps.
I built the cockpit-engine assembly into the right fuselage half (and arranged myself some tricky assembly for the rh side cockpit wall, which I should have mounted first). Then I glued the wing to the rh fuselage and made some adjustments to make it fit (the left fuselage side was also dryfit in this stage) Then I painted the interior and mountet the rest of the cockpit stuff.

Closing the fuselage was a bit tricky and I had to sand the engine bulkhead and the rear bulkhead several times to make all fit to a bearable degree. Still the whole assembly needed some pressure to minimize further filling and sanding. I matched all lines but kept a 1mm gap where the left wing meets the fuselage. I am sure this was because I was a bit sloppy when glueing the right fuselage. I used "Pattex Stabilit Express" a fast curing 2k Epoxi to glue everything together.

Now I removed the fin and replaced it with the Griffon parts. Then I added the tail end of the kit and the elevators from the Griffon set. Now some filling and sanding was required, but it was not very extensive as I did a good job aligning everything (though I had to reglue the u/c legs as they were off). I added some cockpit parts and attached the canopy (I was in a hurry as i wanted to get the thing done ... so I bet there are some smears and dust inside.
I masked the canopy with Bare Metal foil and the whole thing was primed with Citadel Black primer (first class product BTW). then I sprayed half a bottle Alclad alu on and sealed it with clear .... that is where I am now, but I do not expect many problems to come.
pix when it is done
best wishes