This is a contract build using the Italeri boxing of the 48 scale Acc Min'd B 25 c/d Mitchell, sadly the 'd' cannot be built [as per the wartime photo of an RAAF 2 Sqn 'd' version], so a 'C' version with a field mod tail gunner is the intention, all interior painting is enamels, the cockpit is MM Euro Green 1, the bomb bay is Tamiya #11 Chrome Silver, the fuelage remainder is Humbrol #226. I've added the harness's to the pilot and co-pilot's kit seats, lap belts for the other crew stations, which are mixed from both Eduard and Aires PE sets, the instrumentation is a decal [from another Acc Min B 25b kit] that was from the sparesbox and is applied to the rear of the clear kit instrument panel offering, only the switch box and other panels have been painted matt black.
The pix:-
This is the wartime ref pic, of KO-N an RAAF 2 Sqn B 25d Mitchell, this model subject will be built as KO-Z "Stormbird",in Olive Drab over Neutral Grey.
The cockpit detail as per the kit and the harness's fitted to each kit seat.
Navigator's station and Pilot side of cockpit sidewall.
Radio Opperators station
kit parts for the radio and other electical equipment and the crew raft stowage.