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WellCoME XI Cancellation
Ontario, Canada
Joined: January 06, 2006
KitMaker: 63 posts
AeroScale: 2 posts
Posted: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 - 11:36 PM UTC
It is with great regret, that the Guelph Plastic Modellers Group is forced to cancel WellCoME XI for March 2007. GPMG is a very small group of ten modellers, and some of us will not be able to support the show due to other commitment. We are committed to presenting the best show possible, and due to these manpower constraints, cancellation was prefered over the option of presenting a show that was not up to standards. We are committed to bringing the show back again in 2008, and hope that everyone will forgive us for our absence from the show circut this year.
Steve Johnson
Guelph Plastic Modellers Group