With all the great articles and discussions on AeroScale lately I am wondering if we can do more to promote the site so that others can discover it and join in. I know this will happen slowly over time no matter what, but it would be nice to jump start it a bit. So I would ask those reading...
1. Have you told all your modeling friends who do aircraft about the site?
2. Your local club (if any)?
3. When you post on other sites do you mention AeroScale or let people know you spend time here as well?
4. Have you added or requested the site be added to any links pages on other sites (or your own)?
Word of mouth is a powerful thing! And perhaps many of you are already doing these things. But for those who aren't it would be very nice of you to give the site that courtesy. And in the process of doing that you will make the site an even richer more vibrant one than it is today by those new people discovering and using it.
Again I want to thank Rowan, Jean-Luc and their whole team of contributors for the amazing work they have been doing. I couldn't be happier with how far the site has come in the past year. That said I think although we have a lot of talented staffers and members on this site, we haven't yet been truly "discovered" by the aircraft modeling community at large. And that is a bit of a shame for all of them.
Much thanks,