Hans von Hammer, a.k.a.,
The Hammer of Hell! This series kept me reading comics long after the other characters lost their appeal.
Turns out my sister is the real Hans von Hammer fan. I had all but forgotten him when she suprised me with
Enemy Ace: War Idyll (1990)
sixteen years ago! Then she got me both parts of his WW2 adventures (
War In Heaven, and thanks to eBay, a dozen or so individual comics.
FWIW, Enemy Ace: War Idyll is a beautifully illustrated and poignant pop novel. The WW2 series
Enemy Ace: War in Heaven (2001), by Garth Ennis, are illustrated in the comics genre, with less of a comic story line, more believeable yet equally engaging. It has inspired me to build HvH's crimson Bf109!
As per the particular stories, I shall not here utter the suprises; his relationship with the Nazis, when and against whom he flies, and especially to whom he surrenders to!

(I didn't give it away that he survived...:-))
While we are on the topic of suprises, how about von Hammer's great-granddaughter (did you know about her?), Bundeswehr Luftwaffe Lieutenant Ilsa von Hammer? She appears in the last Robin comic, being part of a special unit called upon when the mere military won't suffice. I haven't read it, but would like to.