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czech master S-38 ?
Warszawa, Poland
Joined: February 20, 2007
KitMaker: 53 posts
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Posted: Monday, February 26, 2007 - 04:34 PM UTC
After seeing the beautiful Sikorsky S-38 featured in the Howard Hughes movie I got the urge to build one and found the only one available is the CMR kit No 127.All resin.
Question is has anyone built it,bought it and been put off or just seen it at a show,etc.
I've built vac-form a/c and resin ships before so I know the trip-ups.Just curious about the detail and quality of the kit.
Many thanks in advance,
(ex-pat Brit in Warsaw,Poland)
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United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, February 26, 2007 - 08:50 PM UTC
Hi Jim

First off - welcome to Aeroscale! It's great to have you with us!

I must admit the CMR kit is a new one on me (but I really concentrate on 1/48 scale stuff), so I can't offer any advice there. However, it does sound like a great subject for a Review if you get it and fancy submitting an article.

All the best

Isere, France
Joined: January 11, 2006
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Posted: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 - 08:26 PM UTC
Hi from France,
I know of four CMK S-38 on the net, the first one seems still unfinished
I have one in stock, but at the moment I am sweating on the S-39 from the same manufacturer...
I would say : the moldings are good, but be ready to rebuild all struts, masts, axles, as resin is far too soft.

You also may find two other kits, with luck , I never saw one of them :
Isere, France
Joined: January 11, 2006
KitMaker: 7 posts
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Posted: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 - 09:02 PM UTC
I forgot the review of the kit ! Oops !