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Aviation mags, what do you have?
Moselle, France
Joined: May 15, 2005
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Posted: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 - 01:54 AM UTC
Hi all!

We often say we are living in a golden age of modeling... well, it's true! My wife always complains about the aviation and modeling magazines that lay everywhere in our house! Here in France we have the following publications:

Replic (monthly) and Wing Masters (bi-monthly) are both magazines dedicated to aircraft modeling.

Le Fana de l'Aviation, Avions, Dogfight, Air Magazine, Batailles Aériennes and Ailes Françaises are aviation related publications, mainly WW2. Some are monthly mags, some bi-monthly while others are published every three months.

As if this is not enough, Air Magazine (wich is related to Azur) also brings out special editions: Ciel de Guerre, Hors Séries and les Dossiers!

That's quite a lot and I only listed those I buy regulary!

What do you have in your countries?

Joined: September 07, 2005
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Posted: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 - 02:38 AM UTC
Hi Captain

Too many ....

I have :

Fliegerrevue Extra (great mag but very expensive)
Jet & Prop
Wingmaster (German edition)
IMM - International Militaria Magazin (German)
Kit Flugzeug
Propellerblatt (Stephen ... it is something for you, but I bet you know)
Flugzeug Classic
Flugzeug Extra
Modell Portraits
SAMI (when I can get them)
some Airmags .. (must order some more soon, I just have the first 10)
some Aerojournal (I do not like Dog fight from Mr. Eherengardt .. )
I have almost all FSM between ~1994 and ~2004 or so .. they got worse then and I had problems getting them in the local shop

I have some WAPJ but it is too expensive (I never started IAPR because of that)

Also some periodicals

Luftwaffe im Focus (new U-Boot im Fokus), J&P Foto Archiv, Flugzeug Foto Archiv, Flugzeug Profile, Ritterkreuzträger Profile (...) should I add Osprey AoA and CA here?

and then I collect almost every book I get about the Luftwaffe .. I bet I forgot some stuff

I definitely spend more on books and mags than models

BTW my pal Volker holds even more mags (French and englisch) .. e.g Replic, Wingmaster, Steelmaster, MAI, SAM, Air Modeller .... good for me, so I have access to them



this is just what is on my to read pile (another two mags that I could not afford in february, will be added tomorrow):

P.P.S. ich hoffe deine Frau ist zufrieden mit der Erkenntnis, das du nicht der einzige Idiot auf der Welt bist
Staff MemberSenior Editor
United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 - 03:30 AM UTC
Hi Jean-Luc

I have to admit I've cut right back over the last year or so though lack of space in my flat and the fact that I feel mags offer relatively poor value for money compared with books (LOL! a note of controversy to help get the thread going) - plus the realisation that, between coping with work and Aeroscale, I simply don't have time to read them anyway from one month to the next...

The only modelling mag I still buy is Scale Aircraft Modelling (really for old times sake...) and I do enjoy Air Enthusiast and Aeroplane Monthly (particularly the former for it's unusual and more in-depth coverage of often otherwise neglected topics).

All the best

Joined: September 07, 2005
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Posted: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 - 03:42 AM UTC

Quoted Text

... and the fact that I feel mags offer relatively poor value for money compared with books (LOL! a note of controversy to help get the thread going)

Hi Rowan

I think there are often bits in mags you would hardly find in a book .. the problem is to find it when you need it .. while you always find the book .. well, often



Staff MemberSenior Editor
United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 - 03:47 AM UTC
Hi Steffen

That's why I still read Air Enthusiast - as I say, it does cover some really unusual subjects that I've not come across elsewhere.

All the best

England - South East, United Kingdom
Joined: March 07, 2005
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Posted: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 - 06:45 PM UTC

Quoted Text

The only modelling mag I still buy is Scale Aircraft Modelling (really for old times sake...) and I do enjoy Air Enthusiast and Aeroplane Monthly [ ]

..same here...I do still produce the odd article & review for SAM - the 'first and the best' - ..but it worries me in a way that there are so many good alternatives out there..this month I've bought MAM and MAI ...both very good indeed... how long can we sustain four monthly -aircraft- modelling magazines in the UK.....and there's at least four others covering 'military' subjects...
one of the advantages of working in France is that I get to visit ' la maison de la presse' every other week....the range and quality of periodicals is fantastic as Jean-Luc has pointed out, although who can possibly buy them all...having said that Replic is no longer as good as it was ...the format is really stale in my opinion..Air Mag I buy occasionally but the recent specials on German night fighters were very poor ..
that said UK aviation magazines are 'poor' in comparison ..subject matter is usually far to close to home for my taste..or else you end up with one decent article and having to bin the rest ...when was the last time there was a Luftwaffe subject in Flypast ..??

not forgetting the occasional Jet & Prop and like Steffen, 'im Focus' is essential for Luftwaffe fans..

aviation doesn't seem to get such good magazine coverage in the US though..why is that ..? I mean I like Aviation Journal a lot ....but FSM.....? and the Eagle Editions photo booklets are over-priced compared to 'im Focus'

the problem for all modelling magazines though is sites like this one.....here you can see fantastic work on the latest kits within days and in the sort of detail that is just not possible in the printed format...
Moselle, France
Joined: May 15, 2005
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Posted: Friday, March 02, 2007 - 12:01 PM UTC
Hi all!

Thanks for your responses!

Steffen I also buy SAMI even if it is expensive here in France...

Quoted Text

I have some WAPJ but it is too expensive (I never started IAPR because of that)

WAPJ ? IAPR ? I hope it's not contagious!

Quoted Text

P.P.S. ich hoffe deine Frau ist zufrieden mit der Erkenntnis, das du nicht der einzige Idiot auf der Welt bist

Ich glaube Sie hat die Hoffnung aufgegeben! :-)

So we have France, Germany, U.K., USA and what do you have in your countries?

Joined: September 07, 2005
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Posted: Friday, March 02, 2007 - 02:13 PM UTC
Hi Jean-Luc

IAPR: International Air Power Review

WAPJ: World Air Power Journal

Both with very (VERY!) interesting articles .. especially on modern aircraft and air forces .. but even very expensive, both come quarterly (IIRC)

