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what did you use to darken the panel lines
After decalling I apply a coat of Klear (Future), then mix artist oils in white spirit, run into the panel lines and leave for upto 24 hours, before wiping it off, in the direction of the air flow. The mix of artists oils I use depends on the aircraft camouflage. I don't keep records of mixes so each one will at least be slightly different. For german aircraft in the RLM 74,75,76 scheme I use Madder brown (or Burnt Umber) Warm Grey and Black. For the underside it's lighter, for the topside I add more black. The Helldiver that is on the factory production line at the moment had a similar mix but even more black was added. I would never use straight Black. On a desert scheme it would be more brown and no black.
Bryan Quoted Text
[Could I persuade you to take some time to either 1) put together an article detailing the construction or 2)submitting the pics (with no text) for a 'OnDisplay' feature? Thanks.
I will certainly submit the pics. I would put together an article but this bird has been sometime in the making so I'm not sure I could outline problem areas etc, but I might be able to get some angle on it. I am putting together an article on pre-shading, I need to finish the 3 Amigos to be able to finish it though. I could probably do one while doing the Spitfire group build though. If you want pics of any other stuf that Ive posted, or haven't for that matter no problem. I'm not sure of the form but I'll find out. :-)
Dolf Quoted Text
[More people have asked it, but ill ask it anyway: Do you have a factory or something that makes the models? Or is your whole family helping you with those aircraft?
Sjeezzz, i make one aircraft in about 6 weeks if im lucky and here you come with three masterpieces in just.....well .....1,5 weeks orso?
Heee Heee, I have axplained this several times, but I don't have a problem saying it again.
No, I don't have a factory and my family don't help

When I introduced myself here on Armorama, back at the end of September, I bemoaned the fact that I had 32 models on the go. From the replies that seemed to be quite normal, however I wasn't finishing anything. Lots of reasons for that and I wont go into them now. I put up a post "this is what Armorama does for me" basically it was saying that I have been motivated by this site and the people on it to finish up all those kits. I have also started 6 models since joining, for group builds, 2 of them are finished. The 32 kits I had on the go when I joined had all been on the go for months, in some cases years, so I supose in one way it is a production line. Other factors are involved though, one is that I'm out of work, so I have plenty of time. Another is the fact that I got a digital camera. taking pics has never been so easy.
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Looking forward to see your next project (btw what is your next project)?
Well I'm itching to get my Helldiver done, but I want to finish the last of the 3 Amigos a 109E-7 Trop. I do have a Sea Fury (been going for years) nearly complete, but I think next out of the hanger doors will be My P40M Kittyhawk, just needs the canopy sorted (been sorting it for weeks), also possibly just before it my Typhoon. :-)