I finally finished my first diorama.This diorama contains a Bf 109G-6 of Fw. Fritz Ungar.I really had alot of fun building this diorama and I hope that you guys enjoy it too.

The Bf 109G-6 is the Hasegawa 1/72 Bf 109G-6.The decals are Eaglecal.The Schwimmwagen is from the Academy set with the fuel truck.All of the figures are from Preiser.The tree and the shed are scratchbuilt.The tree is made from wire and some vegetation I bought and the shed is made from balsa wood.

Well hope you enjoyed all the pics and my work.It took me a while to build this diorama but I finally got there.Thanks to everyone who helped me.If you have any suggestions, please give them to me.I'm still learning and I would like to build more dioramas in the future.