Ive noticed in the forums recently a few people asking for advice on how to fill gaps without having to sand away the fine detail around them, so I thought Id take a few photos and describe how I get around this problem.
This is by no means my method alone and Im not going to attempt to take any credit for it,its just the one that works for me.
You will need,Q Tips,Putty of your choice,masking tape,and some nail varnish remover,(the type WITH acetone). As with anything,work in a well ventilated area.
You can see the 2 areas Im going to be addressing.Just behind the supercharger ducting and the gap in the fusalage seam just forward of that. Sorry,Im not able to add the little red arrows that some people do.
The first thing we need to do is isolate the area we are going to be working on,and this is done by masking as close as possible to the gap with masking tape.
Putty is then applied to the area with a cocktail stick cut in half or something similar.As you can see,because the surrounding area has been masked you dont have to be too precise with the application.
After 5-10 minutes the masking tape is removed.
Using Q Tips dipped in the nail varnish remover wipe away the excess filler.You'll find that you'll get through quite a few Q Tips so make sure you have plenty to hand.
Last picture is the finished job after a dusting of primer. A neatly filled gap with no sanding and no loss of detail involved.
It actually took longer to type this small thread than it did to fill the gaps!
Happy Modelling!