Here are some WIP photos of my 1/35 accurate armour lynx. I plan to build a Royal Marines helicopter in iraq in the grey and green camoflauge and am using Lester Plaskitts article in Military Modelling magazine from april 2006 as a build guide. So far I have built (most of) the interior and painted it aswell. Anyway I hope you like it and all comments are welcome. Here goes:
First off a couple of unpainted shots:
the floor, seats are dry fitted

and two of the floor dry fitted inside the air frame:

Now for the paint...

Now a couple of the 'crew' They are all aa figures and the pilots helmet comes from tamiya, it is the leclerc commanders helmet, I would be interested to know whether you guys think this looks alright or do i need to find a new head for him and the copilot. Any way here we go:
The pilot:

the co pilot

The whole crew,( the kneeling guy is going to be the loadmaster and will probably lose the binos, he is the milan teams spotter!!

As stated already, all comments are welcome. Hope you like it. Nick