Here's one I have been working on in slow time as essentially an Out of the Box build - the Eduard 1/48 Albatros D.II.
I had to resist the temptation to even make minor modifications / replacements such as replacing the small wheels with larger wheels, adding bungee chords etc (I even used one of the paint schemes provided in the kit which is odd for me). The only additions, in keeping with the essentially OOB spirit, was the opening of the gun barrels and exhaust, and the addition of rigging (no turnbuckles this time....). I even used the kit axles and radiator pipes (it was hard to resist replacing these!!).
I painted the kit up in the markings of Alb D.II (OAW) 910/16, flown by Ltn Max Bohme of Jasta 5, March 1917. This aircraft was shot down and captured by the British in March 1917 and is well documented in photographs. I quite liked this scheme as it is different from the plain old standard ply fuselage / camo wings scheme seen on so many D.II's. The Eduard kit contains decals for this scheme, but misses the fuselage band and the OAW style underwing white-bordered crosses, and gives this scheme as a 2 colour scheme. I based my 3 colour scheme on Dan San Abbott's article on the colour schemes of the D.II on website (which includes this particular machine) and added some under wing crosses from the spares box.
Anyways, here's some pics.

Overall this was quite a trouble free build - the only thing to watch out for is to test fit the interplane and cabane struts before gluing to make sure it all lines up. Get the alignment right and it is all good.
I am hoping to get this (and other) builds to the Model Expo in Melbourne Australia in a couple of weeks - my first interstate trip with my models - yes I am nervous!
As always, comments and feedback welcomed.