Tuesday, April 07, 2009 - 02:09 AM UTC
FFSMC (Flying Frog's Scale Models Club) is a new aftermarket decal manufacturer from France. Some of his products are really worth to take a look at!

FFSMC has just started to produce a new range of decals for aviation, cars and motorbikes. Amongst two "classic" decal sheets, there are some references which are very intriguing. Here's a list of the aviation related products:
- Alouette II "Marine" is a decal sheet for the famous French helicopter and features decals for dozens of options in the three most popular scales (1/72, 1/48 and 1/32). The sheet is of course aimed at experienced modelers given the subject. The sheet was printed with an Alps MD-5500 printer and a Konica-Minolta Magicolor 5550 printer. This allowed FFSMC to do a high quality decal sheet. The gold color of the French Marine's blazon is printed with a metallic color for example.
- Fw-58 "Marinah" is a decal sheet for the rare MPM vacuformed kit. If you have this kit in your stash and want to do a brasilian aircraft, this sheet is worth to consider. It is also possible that the Fw-58 will be produced in 1/48 by a short run manufacturer in the future.
- Aluminium bouchonné is a decal sheet which reproduces machine turned aluminium, a finish that can be found on many early aircraft (Lindbergh's "Spirit of Saint Louis" is a good exemple). The decal sheet is available in 1/72 and 1/48 scale and in two sizes.
- Decal Chrome is a decal sheet that reproduces... chrome! Yes this is not an April 1st fool (it's too late for that). If it works well, I can see many application possibilities for such a product.
A .pdf file with the full list of FFSMC products can be found here:
FFSMC Decals 05-04-2009
Watch out for full reviews of the machine turned aluminium and Chrome decals on Aeroscale soon!
Please remember, when contacting retailers or manufacturers, to mention that you saw their products highlighted here - on AeroScale.
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