by: Todd Miller [ ]
Title: Focke Wulf Fw. 190 Volume 1
Author: Krzysztof Janowicz
Publisher: Kagero
First and foremost, let it be said that I, among others I’m sure, do not like to buy anything sight unseen. I would put this publication, and others like it, in that category. This book is offered by a Polish firm and hence is written in two languages-Polish with English inserts. Useful and definitely required since I don’t speak polish. Printing a book in this format, will of course require more pages and I am sure the meaning and facts can be misinterpreted in translation. Although this concern may be a viable reason to not purchase books of this type, I can attest that this is well worth the money-for it’s cost. The book is printed on quality paper of heavy stock with a semi-gloss finish. (Makes snack spills wipe right of, Ha-Ha!) BACKGROUND The information put to print includes no index or chapter break down but instead contains one continuous summation of the Fw190 in the German Lufftwafe. The coverage starts with the V-1 prototypes and continues through the A series, up to and including, the A9. We are then introduced to the F type up to the F9. Then of course the G, to include the G1, 2,3 and 8. Two paragraphs about the Fw190S and we’re done. COLOR & MARKINGS The material then turns to painting and markings, and field conversion kits used. This takes up ten pages. Then comes probably the best part of the whole book-twenty-five pages of charts and specification tables with line drawings in plan, profile, and scrap view. These drawings include just about every possible modification, weapon, and difference of all types of the 190. The drawings even show the areas involved with model changes. I was sold at this point so it was added to my basket. SPECIAL TREAT Also included with the book are decals produced by Techmod in both 1/72 and 1/48 scales. I haven’t heard of this company but the register and color saturation appear to be spot on. Included aircraft are the following:
(From top to bottom). 1) Fw190A-4 “yellow 10” from 6/JG1
Holland April 1943
2) Fw190A-7/R6 “red 8” from JGr 10
Germany summer 1944
3) Fw190A-8/R2 “yellow 17” from 12/JG3
Germany May-June 1944
4) Fw190A-8 “red 11” from JGr10
Germany autumn 1944
All of the aircraft depicted on the decals are in the standard 74/75/76 camo scheme and, as you can see, are quite the topic of color and are of non-standard practice of squadron flair. I myself enjoy building a model with color, once in awhile, and these models do break away from the mundane type of German fighters.
The technical detail of the drawings and clip art that fill the last third of the book are reminiscent of offerings in Koko Fan or Aerophax journals. These are very well illustrated and of great value for the model fan and historian alike. The color pages are made up of eleven total and include mostly profiles of different 190’s.
The remaining text comprises B/W photos and descriptions of the Fw 190 throughout its German air force career. Of special interest are the detail photos of landing gear, cockpit, engines, and general airframe construction. They are clear and have great clarity considering their ww2 origins. Unlike many published forms of war memorabilia this book contains information and photos of the highest quality that could be desired. Conclusion I have read and reviewed many other books and photos that are fuzzy and questionable as to the subject photographed. All book worms and model techies will love the splendid coverage included between this book's ninety-plus pages. We as modelers should have it so easy, as to find such an offering, easily available that we can plunk our money down on the table for. It definitely wasn’t as easy to do the research, gather the material and photos, and edit said material to put it together in a collection such as this. I myself was delighted to come across this book and was more than willing to add it to my library-as you should be too. In the inside cover, it mentions that this book is part one and that additional volumes will be forth coming. I can’t wait.
Reviewing this book, with reservation at first, has changed my view and resistance to purchase publications from Kagero. The inclusion of the decal set is an added bonus. An average of $8.95 a sheet from decal companies such as Aeromaster or Eagle Designs make this package a justified purchase for all aircraft modelers wanting reference and decals in one swooping buying spree. In the future, I will not hesitate.
Hope you enjoyed this little review. SUMMARY |
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About Todd Miller (RotorHead67) Copyright ©2021 text by Todd Miller [ ]. Images also by copyright holder unless otherwise noted. Opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of AeroScale. All rights reserved.