by: Bill Cross [ ]
Modelers of the 1/32nd scale BF110 G variant are limited to a single kit (the ancient Revell of Germany issue) and one decal upgrade: Peddinghaus’s release of the markings for Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer, Germany’s leading defensive ace (121 kills).An upgrade is unavoidable, as the kit-supplied decals have no tail swastikas, and are usually either yellowed or incorrect. Schnaufer survived the war, but was killed in a freak motoring accident in 1950.
The Set
The Peddinghaus decals are clearly-printed with correct registration and include two-piece tail swastikas to get around Germany’s ban on the symbol (no kits from there ever contain swastika tail markings, including RoG’s celebrated JU-88 release in 1/32nd). Schnaufer’s distinctive “kill” tally that he displayed on the outer facing of his rear vertical stabilizers is replicated, as well as the coat of arms many (Nachtjagdgescwader (“night squadrons”) carried, and which Peddinghaus incorrectly labels as belonging to NJG 1. A major shortcoming of this set is absence of a painting guide. Schnaufer flew at least four BF110s, including a black C variant and three G-4s with different lettering (small G9 EZ and EF designations while he was with NJG 1 and “BA” (the one for this set) when he was flying for NJG 4 near the end of the war. Luftwaffe nightfighters aren’t particularly “sexy,” with the early war versions black, later changing to RLM 75 mottled over RLM 76 (dark gray on light gray). But the camo pattern changed as the conflict wound down, and Schnaufer’s “BA” aircraft was a solid dark gray over light gray.
Given the size of the model, stencils are a must and are generous, though unfortunately none of the interior stenciling is provided in any set I know of. Two minor problems with this set is the absence of a Werknummer (“factory number”), and that the instructions are only in German and French. A factory number was painted on the tails of virtually all BF110s in different sizes & locations. The instructions are fairly basic, so their not being in English isn’t crucial: it turns out the manufacturer recommends applying the decals over a coating of Future, then sealing the results with an acrylic clear coat.
If you are building this plane in 1/32nd scale, the Peddinghaus decals are the only choice. But that being said, these are superb additions to any model, and it’s possible to work around the lack of a painting guide.
SUMMARY | Highs: Beautifully-rendered with extensive stenciling Lows: Pricey, but a specialized offering so understandable. No Werknummer or painting guide. Verdict: The only accurate BF110 G-4 night fighter decals in 1/32nd |  |
90% |
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About Bill Cross (bill_c) Self-proclaimed rivet counter who gleefully builds tanks, planes and has three subs in the stash. Copyright ©2021 text by Bill Cross [ ]. Images also by copyright holder unless otherwise noted. Opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of AeroScale. All rights reserved.