Contained in the zip sealed transparent bag is a number of vinyl masks on one sheet:
-1 x set of masks for inside and outside of the canopy.
-1 x set of masks for inside and outside of the cabin windows.
-1x set of for the wheels, including the tail wheel.
-1 x mask guide.
Before you start it's well worth going over to the
Montex website to fully acquaint yourself on how to get the most from these masks. The tutorials are very helpful.
The vinyl mask material have a completely different feel and look to masks made from Kabuki tape . Before you apply the masks get a feel for them first by using the masks for the title of the subject. The backing paper overlaps the masks themselves slightly. Use a sharp knife in the corner of the sheet to separate the two layers and carefully peel away the backing with your fingers. The cuts for the different parts of the masks are very cleanly cut, and separate very easily. It occurs to me it might be possible to use the positive and negative parts of the mask to double the number of markings you can use, if you are careful. Follow the on-line and kit instructions to help with placement and using multi part masks.
For the Porter there are around 24 masks for the window and windscreen. Although there are no instructions it is pretty obvious which masks go where. The masks are divided on the sheet between those fitted on the inside and outside of the windows. There are even masks for the choices of side windows of the pilots cabin. The three different pilots side windows includes one with the small opening hatch, a window with frame work and just a plain set of windows. The masks have the features cut into them so when the mask is removed after painting the detail is highligted. Very clever. There are four masks for the inside and outside of the windscreen, two for the inside and two for the outside. The masks are split where the centrally mounted frame is located. There are a couple of partial incisions in the masks so that they conform easily to the shape of the windscreen. Masks are also included for the main and tail wheels.
As there are many widows on the Pilatus, these masks will prove invaluable particularly sd the cost is very reasonable. Take a look at the finished models on the Montex website. Very nicely done Montex.