No Regional Selection, Puerto Rico

CALLSIGN: de3freak


About de3freak
Hi! I am very pleased to join this group and see such great talent. My honors and greetings to all. Me?...well I dont consume any alcohol, dont smoke and dont do drugs. I am into models mostly military as well as NASCAR and SCI/FI, but I do all, as well as get commisioned for projects. I do figure sculptures as Aliens, Predator and Comic as well as some movie figures. Star Wars is always #1 here so I get to do lots of those as well as the ships. I draw, paint. do scenes as well as use fiber optics for the projects at clients request.. I have been doing models since I was 6 and still continue so. I also build as well as sculpt Prehistoric themes. I strive on respect, and have a very ample view on critiques. Be them negative or positive...always welcomed. My E-Mail address is: [email protected] My YAHOO! MESSENGER is: de3freak Please, if you wish to contact me, do a reference to ARMORAMA.COM. I will add more photos as well as more text as I can.

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