Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

CALLSIGN: pylgrym


About pylgrym
Son, grandson, brother, cousin, mean little kid, toy soldier collector, student, classmate, bully (repentant!), neighbor, friend, cruel gradeschooler, singer, whistler, Military Policeman, mimic, sinner, all-conference football-player, alcoholic, filmmaker, fornicator, radio announcer, Monster Kid, machinery salesman, educator, thief, Draft Volunteer, Vietnam combat veteran (AMERICAL!), drugee, doper, head, actor, college graduate, homeowner, liar, husband, father, writer, collector, property owner, entrepeneur, Desert Storm veteran (Artillery: Tennessee National Guard!), failure, saved sinner and born-again child of God by Sovereign Grace, and - finally Married Dorothy Jean Collison July 5, 2008: Happiest Day of my new life!

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