Occupation: free lance sculptor
Interests: ww2 german armour and aircraft

About steeldog51
Hi I'm Kenaz, I'm 30 years old a freelance sculptor from the U.K. , I've been modelling for 23 years non stop, mt friends all simply call me" K" I have sculpted sci-fi and fantasy miniatures for various war games companies here in the u.k. ,and I'm now currently sculpting a new range of 1/35 subjects for a fantastic new company in the U.S.A. . My personal interests are ancient Japan and ww2 german armour and aircraft especially the luft 46 subjects , take care! K
Hi I'm Kenaz, I'm 30 years old a freelance sculptor from the U.K. , I've been modelling for 23 years non stop, mt friends all simply call me" K" I have sculpted sci-fi and fantasy miniatures for various war games companies here in the u.k. ,and I'm now currently sculpting a new range of 1/35 subjects for a fantastic new company in the U.S.A. . My personal interests are ancient Japan and ww2 german armour and aircraft especially the luft 46 subjects , take care! K
My Feature Articles
My Reviews
1. | Trumpeter RA-5C Vigilante | BY TRUMPETER | ENGLISH | |
2. | Westland Wyvern S.4 | BY NLT CLASSIC AIRFRAMES | ENGLISH |
My Awards