Occupation: Retired RAAF Aircraft Engineer
Interests: Flying,
Vintage Motorcycles,
Spending time with my wife

About wombat58
I started building models when I was 8 years old, mainly WW2 aircraft and cars. By my late teens I had switched to 1/35th AFV's. At 16 I took flying lessons and gained my PPL (wings) and at 18 I joined the RAAF. I continued modelling staying with the AFV's until my early thirties when family commitments took priority. Upon leaving the Air Force I opened a model shop and ran it very successfully for many years. 1997 saw a real down turn in my health so I was forced to retire, not only from work but flying as well. Second to my wife, flying is my passion and anything to do with aeroplanes It was only last year (2008) that I took up modelling again but this time I am concentrating on !/32 WW1 aircraft. I love the WW1 aircraft and I am getting a great deal of enjoyment from the kits. My call sign "Wombat58" relates to the unique Australian animal the Wombat, a nickname my wife calls me because they are cute and cuddly, round and furry, the 58 is my age.
I started building models when I was 8 years old, mainly WW2 aircraft and cars. By my late teens I had switched to 1/35th AFV's. At 16 I took flying lessons and gained my PPL (wings) and at 18 I joined the RAAF. I continued modelling staying with the AFV's until my early thirties when family commitments took priority. Upon leaving the Air Force I opened a model shop and ran it very successfully for many years. 1997 saw a real down turn in my health so I was forced to retire, not only from work but flying as well. Second to my wife, flying is my passion and anything to do with aeroplanes It was only last year (2008) that I took up modelling again but this time I am concentrating on !/32 WW1 aircraft. I love the WW1 aircraft and I am getting a great deal of enjoyment from the kits. My call sign "Wombat58" relates to the unique Australian animal the Wombat, a nickname my wife calls me because they are cute and cuddly, round and furry, the 58 is my age.
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