Making Your Own Camouflage Profiles

At this point we can take stock of what so far we have got. We should now have:

A. a basic outer keyline shape of the aircraft top plan with the keyline in black at a thickness of 0.2mm.

B. a detailed keyline top plan again in black at a thickness of 0.2mm.

C. a white fill with black outline key with 20% black shadow.

7. Now we repeat all steps above and do the side profile in exactly the same way. We should now have:

D. a basic black outer keyline of the overall side of the aircraft.

E. a detailed side profile. PICTURE 8.

8. I have included a guide for making wheels as follows:

A. Using the circle tool draw three circles inside each other and use the align tool to get them all centred. Then add a guide at the base of the outer circle and using the knife tool set on “straight” cut the bottom along the guide and discard the cut piece.

B. Using the line tool draw a line along the guide to give a flat bottom to the outer circle.

C. When the points align with those at the bottom ends of the cut outer circle, join them.

D, E,F. Next we can add detail by placing very small circles around the inner circle.

G. When complete, colour using highlight and graduation tools.

I have also included a few items we will need to add markings and insignia, all drawn on Freehand. PICTURE 9.

9. Now we are ready to take these elements into photoshop to colour and mark our profile. First we need to export each element separately as Freehand .eps files.
  • nine_
  • eight_

About the Author

About Peter Allen (flitzer)

Greetings to all. My real name is Peter Allen and I have recently returned to UK from working in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, as a creative director in an advertising agency. My home town is Wigan in the north of England. I’m married to Emily, a Polish lass who tolerates my modelling well. I’ve wor...


Thanks for the intro Merlin. Again, if anyone has a go and needs a bit of help, just let me know. Cheers Peter :-)
JUL 16, 2004 - 02:04 PM
Hi Peter Welcome back! I hope you've had a great holiday! All the best Rowna
JUL 16, 2004 - 03:29 PM
Peter, great stuff, thanks for taking the time. Believe it or not I was contemplating having a go, now I have no excuses. It would make planning colour schemes, for my 2 Ta 183's much easier :-) Mal
JUL 17, 2004 - 05:41 PM
Nice! Photoshop really creates a difference!
JUL 17, 2004 - 05:44 PM
Hi flitz! Welcome back! Sent you a PM, did you receive it?
JUL 17, 2004 - 05:46 PM
Thanks to all.... Well....Mal I thought you'd succumb sooner than later...lol...and two Ta 183's....whow. And thanks Shonnen. You'll have to pm me again as I didn't recieve your message. Cheers Peter :-)
JUL 17, 2004 - 06:18 PM
I have been trying to do this myself without any success. Thanks for writing this article it is just what I needed. Great job. cheers, Bryan
JUL 18, 2004 - 10:09 AM
Good luck Bryan. Hope the article helps. I'm available if you need a hand. Cheers and thanks. Peter
JUL 18, 2004 - 02:34 PM