Early Aviation
Discuss World War I and the early years of aviation thru 1934.
50th anniversary of Aurora DH 4
Gelderland, Netherlands
Joined: July 20, 2006
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Posted: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 07:30 AM UTC
I got one of these very oldies lying on my stash:

Since life is between dipers and sleepless night, I havn't got too much time for modelling at this moment , so I decided to go for something easy and fun. It 's more or less 50 years old, so a good year to turn it into a model.

I wonder if the decals will come off after half a century. As can be seen, I did a bit of paintwork. I will treat it as a funbuild, so not too much upgrading. Remove decalindicators of course, maybe some Aeroclub guns en propellor and the rigging.

Within each WW1 kit Aurora included different figures. I really like the ones in this DH4.

This is where I ended today:

Next part will be the rigging.

Cheers, Nico
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 08:18 AM UTC
Kits sure have come a long way, haven't they?

Are you going to do a kit review?
New York, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 09:40 AM UTC
I have to be honest and say that although this may not be the most accurate kit of the subject, it sure does look like a DH 4 and may I add that it looks like it will be a fun build as well. I think its coming out very nicely and the best part is that it fits the bill for your current situation as far as time resources and child care issues are concerned. Building something to keep our sanity in this non-stop world can provide us with some needed form of sanctuary. Here is one of my sanctuary projects, an old Spad XIII from who knows what molds.

Thanks for sharing Nico and good luck with those sleepless nights.
P.S. It doesn't get any easier, they eventually ask for the car keys! Talk about sleepless nights!!!!!!!
Gelderland, Netherlands
Joined: July 20, 2006
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Posted: Thursday, October 25, 2007 - 11:32 PM UTC

At leat in Yurp we can wait untill your child is 18 years old instead of 16 years in the U.S.

I like that SPAD of yours, Glencoe I presume!

Greetings, Nico
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Sunday, October 28, 2007 - 03:07 PM UTC
Congrats again on the newest member of your family Nico! The kit you have chosen has quite an interesting history. More on that later. Also I have a conversion write up ( from the 1960's from the founder of IPMS) on this kit. It takes it to a DH 9a type. What colour scheme / markings will you use on this?
Gelderland, Netherlands
Joined: July 20, 2006
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Posted: Thursday, November 01, 2007 - 02:17 AM UTC
Hello mr. Lawson you sure make me curious about this "interesting history". I am going to try to use the original decals for this kit. I use the Datafile for general references. PC 10 upper wings and end of fuselage. CDL underneath and sea grey for cockpit and observer's area.

Greetings, Nico

P.s. late repy, but as you can imagine, I am busy...
Gelderland, Netherlands
Joined: July 20, 2006
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Posted: Saturday, November 17, 2007 - 07:11 AM UTC
It's finished, just in time before the Roden kit! (I think)

JASTA'S going to attack!!

I did it mostly OOB. Only propellor is from Aeroclub, and machineguns are taken from the scrapbox (Lewis guns from Roden's BE2c)

Cheers, Nico
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Saturday, November 17, 2007 - 02:18 PM UTC
Outstanding Nico! I'll post that history as soon as I find it. I hate misplacing things. Nice work on an old kit.
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Sunday, November 18, 2007 - 09:08 AM UTC
Nico, Very impressive work on an OLD kit that was the "Standard" in 1957! I was 4 years old when this kit was released! The observer looks a little frightened :-)
Gelderland, Netherlands
Joined: July 20, 2006
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Posted: Sunday, November 18, 2007 - 09:31 AM UTC
How would you feel being an observer somewhere in 1917/1918?

Cheers, Nico
Moselle, France
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Posted: Sunday, November 18, 2007 - 06:04 PM UTC
Hi Nico!

Very nice work on an old kit!

The gunner looks indeed as if it's his first encounter with the enemy!


P.S. How's the family doing?
Gelderland, Netherlands
Joined: July 20, 2006
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Posted: Sunday, November 18, 2007 - 11:47 PM UTC

Thanks for asking. Everything is going allright. Little Willem is a healthy boy. I believe I had promised somewhere in the past to show a picture, so hereby:

He's a good sleeper, especially during the nigth. So, lucky to say I am not completely broken. Even have about half an hout, or a bit more to do a little modelling in the evening. Therefore I managed to finish the DH 4!

Greetings, Nico

P.s.: yes I know he's got my hair....
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Monday, November 19, 2007 - 08:12 AM UTC
Great job on both those builds. I think you probably got a lot of help from your wife on that first one though. You also did a much better job on Little Willem's eyes.
Moselle, France
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Posted: Monday, November 19, 2007 - 06:22 PM UTC

Quoted Text

He's a good sleeper, especially during the nigth. So, lucky to say I am not completely broken. Even have about half an hout, or a bit more to do a little modelling in the evening.

Hi Nico!

That's good to hear. In fact I too found that I had plenty of time left for modelling when Vincent arrived (he was a good sleeper too ). But now that my wife is working again and that he is one year old and crawling everywhere in the house it's a different story!
Anyway, congratulations on both models and give a big kiss to the mother!

Gelderland, Netherlands
Joined: July 20, 2006
KitMaker: 258 posts
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Posted: Monday, November 19, 2007 - 08:11 PM UTC
Thanks Jean Luc,

One funny thing Willem's second name is Vincent. So completely: Willem Vincent Teunissen.

Back to the modelling board this evening. First an easy subject in between Airifx' Focke Wulf FW 189, and then restart on Eduard's Fokker DVII OAW build. I am going to do the one from 56 Staffel with the City of Kassel emblem. After that: the Air Campaign!

Cheers, Nico

P.s. let's be carefull about the kisses.. cause there was something about French Kisses wasn't there?