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1/72 Canopy and more
United Kingdom
Joined: August 25, 2008
KitMaker: 24 posts
AeroScale: 22 posts
Posted: Sunday, August 31, 2008 - 11:03 PM UTC
Got myself a tamiya 1/72 P-51D Mustang 8th Aces(Beautiful big doll) as a second kit. It is pretty challenging gluing tiny parts.
Anyway when i paint the canopy frames it became a nightmare. At first i just use a small paint brush. Then the paint went all across the canopy. So i use masking tape to prevent it and when i peel off the masking tape the canopy is not clear. So i use thinner to clear it and left it for a while. then the whole canopy is whitish and not clear. And what glue should i use because the current one ruin the paint if it get contact. Thanks.
England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
Joined: December 23, 2005
KitMaker: 6,249 posts
AeroScale: 3,270 posts
Posted: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 - 11:21 PM UTC
Hi Kyaw.
If you have a read through this forum you will find plenty of threads refering to canopy issues.
People use a few different methods to mask canopies.
For starters,have a read through this thread.Im sure you'll find it usefull.
Also,,check out this link.
These are by no means definative methods,new ones crop up all the time, but they will certainly help you to find which method or methods suit you best.
To solve your "fogging" issue, you could try dipping the canopy in Johnsons Klear. If this doesnt solve it, then Ive read that the paint stripping method of putting the part in sealable plastic bag with oven cleaner and leaving overnight will get rid of the fogging. Never tried that one myself though.
I use pva white glue on my clear parts. No fogging and it dries clear.
Hope this helps