Early Aviation
Discuss World War I and the early years of aviation thru 1934.
WNW GB 2009 - 10 LVG C.VI Carl
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, November 29, 2009 - 12:08 AM UTC
Thanks Carl ! I wasn't aware that it wasn't glued in place yet .
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Monday, November 30, 2009 - 04:51 PM UTC
Things are drying now. I will shoot some pictures before the end of the week.
Arizona, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 - 01:36 AM UTC
Hi Carl: Really looks good. How did you do the turnbuckles? Is that the streched plastic Q-tip method? Looks great. The texture on the lozenge, the wood grain, all looks outstanding.
I got the basic assembly done on my Roden 1/32nd Albatros and here are some pics. I am not 100% satisfied with it, but it is only my third one and I am still fiddling with 'stuff'.

Indiana, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 - 10:02 AM UTC
Turnbuckles were a lengthy exercise in glute pain. But if you want to try to repeat it, here is my method.

Eduard Control horns and turnbuckles. You might want to get two sets. And go to a hobby shop and pick up some stretch beading thread for jewelry. You will also need a nice stable vice or an extra set of arms. Thread the thread through the stretcher, put the stretcher in the vice, wrap the thread around itself 5 time, scoot the thread down to the thread nice and tight. Put a drop of ca on the knot you just made, followed by some kicker and snip of the excess.Measure your span, and repeat the process on the other end, but remember the thread is stretchy stuff, so make it a little shorter than the span. That way it wont sag. To attach to the wings, put a drop of ca on the wing where you are going to attach the stretcher. Put a little kicker on the stretcher, and touch it to the attachment point. The kicker will immediately harden the glue when you touch them together. Now you have a rigging line finished, and only 23 more to go.

This method works well once you do it a few times. I also found it best to measure one span, then use it to make all the rigging lines that are of equal length , and do all the line attachments at the same time. I think this method worked well and really look very convincing.

Thanks for asking.
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Sunday, December 06, 2009 - 11:31 AM UTC
Everything is nice and dry. The LVG has been residing in our new display cabinet for a few days, and I noticed I left off the rigging for the landing gear. I will be taking it out to finish that little bit off and take some final photographs.

Summary of the kit.
This is a great kit. It goes together nicely, has beautiful decals, and is very highly detailed. I think it would be a great kit for just about anybody. The only thing that would put off prospective builders is the rigging. But our little genre is a little crazy and wont let a few dozen wire keep us down. I guess that is what makes us exclusive. I highly recommend this kit.

The kit engine is a little gem. It will build up out of the box very nicely, but will take extra detailing if that is what you want to do. You can display the engine bay opened up, closed up, or somewhere in between.

The decals for the lozenge are simply among the best I have ever worked with. I will let the experts argue about whether or not the colors are right. (They do look right to me.) But I can tell you they go down good and look like they should. I put some texture decals over them which really made a big difference on the appearance of the lower surface decals. It didn't really show much on the upper surface decals. But the lozenge will look fine without any texturing. The other decals are very opaque. The lozenge colors do not show through the white on the national insignia. These decals are clearly in the superior category.

The instructions are the best I have ever seen. The build progression is logical, full of actual pictures, and has colored color call-outs. I wish other manufacturers would take notice of this. Then, maybe, more of us would actually follow the instructions.

The kit builds up strong and sturdy, The connection points are well defined and engineered to hold. You know were everything goes, and when it is properly attached. The tolerances of the fit in this kit are among the tightest I have worked with. This is not a bad thing. Just make sure you scrape paint at the joiints and test fit everything. The sequence allows you to slot the wing into place, and then fit the struts. This really makes it easy to get everything lined up with no trouble or fuss. It makes my engineering heart proud.

This is that it is a great subject. The LVG has wood and lozenge. When these two textures are done right, they just seem to go together. Like vanilla ice cream and hot fudge. In doing this build I tried some new things. I tried a new technique for painting the wood with oils, and finally figured out how to do all those rigging points. This model come with the holes for rigging pre-drilled, so you can just stick the line in the holes. Great for people with a fear of rigging. But there is no way to get around doing the wood. If the wood doesn't look good, the model wont look good. The good thing is that the instructions show you how to do a good convincing wood.

So, what do I really think? I already purchased a second one. Thank you Wingnut Wings.

I will post the final pictures in a few days.

New South Wales, Australia
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Posted: Friday, December 11, 2009 - 10:34 PM UTC
Beautifully done Carl - I am very impressed with your wood grain and the overall finish of the model, congratulations on a job well done.

Indiana, United States
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Posted: Monday, January 25, 2010 - 08:24 AM UTC
I was in hobby lobby a few weeks ago and a couple was looking at plastic model kits, and a few minutes later looking at oil paints. I could just make out a little of their conversation. They were trying to figure out how to paint the propeller and fuselage of an LVG. So I introduced myself using my real name. and told them colors and techniques. I was suprised when they started talking about a build they saw on-line that inspired them to purchase the WNW kit. So I told them my on-line name and they were suprised to find the man standing in the oil paint section was they guy whose on-line build inspired them. (That would be me for those of you out there keeping score.) I actually felt like a rock star for the rest of the day. It is nice to know people out ther take inspiration from what we do here. I know many of you inspire me to do better. This is just a "Feel Good Story" that I wanted to share with you good folk.

The oil paint is dry. The bird is sitting in my display curio. I still need to add the support braces to the landing gear. I am going to pull it out sometime this week and get her finished.
West Virginia, United States
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Posted: Monday, January 25, 2010 - 09:33 AM UTC

Great LVG Carl. You deserve that recognition from the guys at the hobby store.

Arizona, United States
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Posted: Monday, January 25, 2010 - 09:33 AM UTC
That is a great story Karl! Small world isn't it? Thanks for passing that on. This is a great site, civil, friendly, and educational.
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Monday, January 25, 2010 - 01:25 PM UTC
Now that is a very wonderful thing to had happened to such a great person - good for you Carl ! And thank - you for sharing you stardom with us . Put a smile on my face

I love AeroScale it is the greatest site on the net today . No where else comes even close to the friendliness , aid and support - just not from the members but the staff as well who go out of their way to aid us as well .

Group hug !

Oh yeah , Carl -so whats the name of your band ?
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Monday, January 25, 2010 - 04:55 PM UTC
Rock on Carl! We never know who we will influence.
Milano, Italy
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Posted: Monday, January 25, 2010 - 08:30 PM UTC
Yeah Carl!
You deserve all the credit: you work is super!
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 - 11:32 AM UTC

Quoted Text

-so whats the name of your band ?

The Left-handed Untergefrieters

Thanks all. I thought you would like that story.