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French Sopwith Strutter Question
Nebraska, United States
Joined: June 07, 2005
KitMaker: 191 posts
AeroScale: 171 posts
Posted: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 - 03:58 AM UTC
I've been posting this question all around, so I thought I would add this forum.

I'm looking for underside photos of both the Sopwith 1.B1 and 1.B2 Strutter (the French versions). The reason why I'm looking for those is for how the "bomb doors" on the underside looked. I'm pretty sure Memorial Flight has 1.B2 images (since that's the version they're rebuilding) but I have yet to see any 1.B1 photos.

Scotland, United Kingdom
Joined: February 07, 2008
KitMaker: 1,699 posts
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Posted: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 - 04:33 AM UTC
I'll need to check Windsock 80 when I get home but I think the French loaded the bombs
vertically. on the underside of the fuselage should be a 4x3 grid. which was then covered
in paper. the bombs dropped veritcally through this.
The British strutter bombers had 2 sets of bomb bay doors on bungees.

Here is the PE part from the flashback kit next to the British bomb doors,

My exact same question 2 years ago. Was that really 2 years? I've not improved much.
But that flashback kit really was excellent.


I'm sure you know all this already but I'll check windsock 80 for photos though.

The 1B2 is a bomber with an observer?

Could this be one?

Looks like a 2 seater with a framed hole in the underside.
Nebraska, United States
Joined: June 07, 2005
KitMaker: 191 posts
AeroScale: 171 posts
Posted: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 - 06:55 AM UTC
I'll have to check your post when I return home as the images are blocked.

The 1.B2 was a single-seat bomber.
Scotland, United Kingdom
Joined: February 07, 2008
KitMaker: 1,699 posts
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Posted: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 - 10:03 AM UTC
Kalt's images in the linked thread have moved. I thought they did shed light on it. But it ^was^ two years ago. You could try and PM him.

Looked at windsock 80 , no photos there. A nosed over 9700 showing the square bomb doors was the photo I was thinking of. No help I'm afraid.

The plans show the 4x3 bomb bay. But would there have been two sets?

Looks like that site doesn't allow deep linking. Here is the url
