Early Aviation
Discuss World War I and the early years of aviation thru 1934.
Modeling Spruce and Linen:
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
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Posted: Friday, August 24, 2007 - 02:43 PM UTC
I had been at my desk in the Aeroscale hangar working late when the note was dropped by special courrier. I could hear the echo of his 1917 Harley-Davidson long after he was gone. Ursula brought me the letter. I recognized the handwriting immediately it was from Mata our deep cover agent at the IPMS Convention 2007.

To agent JackFlash

From agent Mata

Re: News from the IPMS convention 2007.

Date; 8/23

Dear Gen. JackFlash

I beg to report that Eduard has decided to leave WWI aircraft modeling temporarily to concentrate on other era aircraft. The explanation I heard was that: ". . .All the major types have been produced. . ."

". . .In addition, during 2008 Eduard will release perhaps their final all-new 1/48 scale WWI kits for the time being. These three kits will be a SPAD XIII, Fokker Dr.I and a Fokker Eindekker. These kits are due around Spring/Summer 2008. . ."

This will of course leave a serious gap as it excludes any DFWs, Hannovers, Halberstadts, not to mention the Re8s, Breguets, etc etc.

Thy devoted servant Mata.
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Sunday, August 26, 2007 - 05:10 AM UTC
August 27, 2007

Status end of month Report for: 2007 Aeroscale Early Aviation hangar

Planet Models Rumpler C.IV 96% complete.

Eduard Wire wheels demo ...95% complete. Will begin in July '07

Eduard Spandaus demo ...85% complete. Will begin in Aug. '07

Portfolio features in the works.
Pfalz E. & D. types
Early war fighters
Fokker D.VII
Fok. E.V / D.VIII
Sopwith on the Thames

Monthly CQ duties .. completed.

Early Bird Contest has begun and will.run til Dec. 31. Rules have been posted.

Review on the Roden 1/32 Pfalz D.III 70% complete.

Feature in progress Top Seccret. Code Name The forgotten Nest.

For the correctness of the record:
Lieut. Gen. Stephen T. Lawson
(callsign JackFlash)
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
KitMaker: 11,669 posts
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Posted: Saturday, September 08, 2007 - 01:04 PM UTC
With summer coming to an end and modest temperatures expected I pause to reflect where we are today and where we were a year ago.

Owner James Starkweather has noted the increased activity and added several of the staffers to a Mention in Dispatches category. I would like to take a few minutes and thank the members and the lurkers for their part in bringing this "Early Aviation" title to life. Some have honoured me by thanking me openly, to which I am everso grateful. Yet, in turn I have to thank each of you for you many kindness' and open interest in our corner of the field.

While we have gained a great many, a few must be listed as MIA. Here is to their safe return.

The coffee is always on here and my policy is an open door for anyone with questions. That is unless I am giving tutorals the Ursula and the all girl ground crew. ( You will know if my silk scarf is hanging outside a closed door .)
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
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Posted: Monday, September 24, 2007 - 04:40 PM UTC
September 24, 2007

Status end of month Report for: 2007 Aeroscale Early Aviation hangar

A. It has barely been a year since I came to this office. Though my rank has progressed generously, my pay vouchers are caught up in a bureaucratic bohica. (Pronounced beau-hee-ka). Most of the furniture and even the carpet in my office has been appropriated through the unit scrouging parties.

B. The Ersatz Bessanau canvas hangar has been replaced by a pig iron framed, wooden skinned, high ceiling version. Its accordian folding bay doors are the latest innovation in hangar tech applications occupy the north wall entirely.. The sawdust and mud floor has been replaced by a 5 inch thick reinforced concrete type wall to wall.

C. Seven wooden framed rooms are built into the south wall. These include large parts storage room, reference room, 2 water closets, tool room, break room and smack in the middle ( between the WCs) my office. Two 4 ft windows occupy each in the south wall. (Except the WCs. they only have one each.) Shutters hung on each. The fire suppression system is in the rafters and is activated by monkeys.

D. At the far end of the east wall are the tarpulin covered projects of the Col. Gen hisself. It gets a bit dusty over there.

E. The west wall is lined with diagrams maps and a large chaulk board.
In between east and west are all of the Review, Feature, Tutorial and build projects. Plans are in progress for a second finished builds hangar.

F. The Twenty-four all-girl ground crew compliment have a brand new three story barracks. Accomodations, mess hall, showers, swimming pool and movie theater It has come to my attention that we will have to design a motorpool and security force. Hopefully female MPs and mechanics are available in numbers.

G. Inprogress activities.

1. Planet Models Rumpler C.IV 99% complete. Photos to be posted

2. Eduard Wire wheels demo ...99% complete. Begun in July '07

3. Eduard Spandaus demo ...95% complete. Begun in Aug. '07

4. Review on the Roden 1/32 Pfalz D.III 100% complete.

5. Portfolio features in the works.
Early war fighters
Fokker D.VII
Fok. E.V / D.VIII
Sopwith on the Thames

6. Monthly CQ duties .. completed.

7. Early Bird Contest has begun and will.run til Dec. 31. Rules have been posted.

8. Plans in process for Between the Wars Air Campaign to run from Nov. 1, '07 to April 30, '08

9. Feature in progress Top Secret. Code Name End of the trail.

For the correctness of the record:
Lieut. Gen. Stephen T. Lawson
(callsign JackFlash)
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
KitMaker: 11,669 posts
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Posted: Sunday, September 30, 2007 - 03:50 PM UTC
Sept.30, 2007.

Ammended end of month Report for: 2007 Aeroscale Early Aviation hangar

G. Inprogress activities.

1. Planet Models Rumpler C.IV 100% complete. Photos posted.

4. Review on the Roden 1/32 Pfalz D.III 100% complete. photos posted.

5. Portfolio features in the works.
Fokker D.VII - Complete ready to be posted.

8. Between the Wars Air Campaign posted and pending approval from High command it will run from Nov. 1, '07 to April 30, '08.

For the correctness of the record:
Lieut. Gen. Stephen T. Lawson
(callsign JackFlash)
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
KitMaker: 11,669 posts
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Posted: Saturday, October 27, 2007 - 03:36 PM UTC
October 27, 2007

Status end of month Report for: 2007 Aeroscale Early Aviation hangar . This month I thought I would touch on the status of our Title subjects and how we generally use them.

A. Kit Reviews ; have proliferated nicely. There are a couple of issues that I would bring to the members attention. Anyone can do a review. When its done you can submit it for the forum through the home page section. Included in every review is a chance for you to grade it and even offer comments. You can even review something that has already been reviewed. If you have the itch to write consider sharing your experiences with everyone not just in the forum but in a review as well. Manufacturers watch what we write and have in the past taken our reviews in to account when proceeding with newer kits or reissues.

B. Features; are the best way for you to show your methods for accomplishing a facet of your building skills or knowlege. This section enriches everyone.

C. Portfolio; No they didn't create this catagory just for a select few. This is a chance to show off the best or all your works. The subject theme is upto you but it is the place to put your images of multiple builds and give everyone a cross section of your works.

D. Forums; day to day works in progress, new questions or old problems. The forums are our signs at the cross roads that point us in the right direction. Sometimes just asking another member what is at the end of this or that road helps you get to where you want to be with your modeling. We are all on the road to somewhere. The forums help us map out our trips.

E. Personal Messages; Chit chat between two people putting fine adjustments into a project. New people asking an old bone a question the new fellow is hoping to get help from a specific source.

F. News items; tells us what we will see available very soon.

G. Campaigns or Group builds give us the virtual chance to sit down and discuss all the subject that stand under a specific title. New and old we all get to share what we know about building with a theme in mind.

Inprogress activities.

1. Planet Models Rumpler C.IV 100% complete.

2. Eduard Wire wheels demo ...99% complete. Begun in July '07

3. Eduard Spandaus demo ...95% complete. Begun in Aug. '07

4. Build Review on the Roden 1/48 Bristol Fighter kit # 425 is 95% complete images to be taken.

5. Portfolio features in the works.
Early war fighters
Fok. E.V / D.VIII
Sopwith on the Thames

6. Portfolio Fokker D.VII - Complete ready to be posted.

7. Early Bird Contest has begun and will.run til Dec. 31. Rules have been posted.

8. Between the Wars Air Campaign to run from Nov. 1, '07 to April 30, '08 awaiting verification and a set of wings is being hammered out.

9. Feature in progress Top Secret. Code Name Forgotten Nest.

For the correctness of the record:
Lieut. Gen. Stephen T. Lawson
(callsign JackFlash)
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
KitMaker: 11,669 posts
AeroScale: 11,011 posts
Posted: Sunday, November 25, 2007 - 02:56 PM UTC
November 26, 2007

Status end of month Report for Aeroscale Early Aviation hangar .
Here we are heading into the biggest time of the year for we who love the indoor hobby of building kits. There are plenty of activities here to stay busy with. Some great multimedia events and threads are taking place even now. I really like the vacuform under construction here. Not wanting to be a downer but even as we enjoy this hobby one of our members is dealing with his child have hard health issues. Lets remember to be kind and or tolerant we never know what doctor's phone call will come to who. I encourage all of you to be a secret Santa to someone. Whether its a kit or a bag of groceries.

Inprogress activities.

1. Roden Junkers Ju D.I Preview 100% completed

2. Eduard Wire wheels demo ...99% complete. Begun in July '07 will get to finish these trying to add some new pieces.

3. Eduard Spandaus demo ...95% complete. Begun in Aug. '07 will get to finish these trying to add some new pieces.

4. Build Review on the Roden 1/48 Bristol Fighter kit # 425 is 100% complete.

5. Portfolio features in the works.
Early war fighters
Fok. E.V / D.VIII
Sopwith on the Thames

6. Portfolio Fokker D.VII - Complete ready to be posted.

7. Early Bird Contest has begun and will.run til Dec. 31. Rules have been posted.

8. Between the Wars Air Campaign to run from Nov. 1, '07 to April 30, '08 and a set of wings is being hammered out. Note to self get with Merlin.

9. Feature in progress Top Secret. Code Name Forgotten nest..

10. Group Build in planning. Roden donated 5 of their 1/32 scale kits for the event beginning on 1 February 2008. Theme : "Building the big kits".

For the correctness of the record:
Lieut. Gen. Stephen T. Lawson
(callsign JackFlash)
Nebraska, United States
Joined: April 09, 2005
KitMaker: 99 posts
AeroScale: 25 posts
Posted: Sunday, December 02, 2007 - 09:55 AM UTC
Greetings, sir,

I just wish to comment that your words are very insightful, and that you write very, very well.

Thank you.

Colorado, United States
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Posted: Sunday, December 02, 2007 - 04:07 PM UTC
Thanks for your kind words. I just try not to take myself too seriously or Merlin promised to hit me with his wand, repeatedly about the head and shoulders.
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
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Posted: Monday, December 24, 2007 - 12:46 PM UTC
Daily report Aeroscale Hangar #1.

Light snow will fall tonight. Having just recovered from a couple of small storms of several days back, the field is in good shape. The holiday feastivities continue. Dinner tonight Baked honey ham, and pepper routissiere Turkey, baked potatoes, green bean casarole, fresh baked bread, apple, cherry and pumpkin pie. Ice creams are restricted to chocolate and vanilla. Mull Wine heavy on the cinnamon light on the cloves and fresh hot coffee with exotic creamers. Also a plate of small deserts from different countries. Mostly chocolate. (At Ursula's request.)

Holiday films continue til 3am. Snack bar fully stocked. After midnight chapel service approx 2 hours set aside for working on applying some new lozenge decals to several Fokker D.VII wings. Over the next few days Nieuport repair shop diorama to be be continued. Here is an oldie from the Issoudon training field.

An unarmed Nieuport 21 trainer on this night of peace.
For the correctness of the report.
Gelderland, Netherlands
Joined: July 20, 2006
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Posted: Tuesday, December 25, 2007 - 02:04 AM UTC
Don not get too stuffed Stephen. Seasonal greetings from me and the family. I got a very nice first X-mas over here together with our son.

Even had time to do some modelling and got the entire Lozenge on my Eduard Fokker DVII (OAW). Must go on with painting and assembling small parts. I hope to get this one finished before the end of this year and after this one I want to make a start on Roden's 1. 5 Strutter 1/48 2 seater Fighter. But as mentioend somewhere before on this website main focus will be moving early march.

I am most curious about your Lozenge news which you mentioned on TheAerodrome. What brand is it?

Cheers, Nico
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, December 26, 2007 - 09:51 AM UTC
Greetings Good Nico!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ! Glad to hear all is well with your family. Like wise I have been busy putting "lozenge" from the new manufacturer on two 1/48 Fokker D.VII top wings. Today weather permitting I'll shoot some images. I'll put them in the Lozenge 101 thread in a few days. As soon as I get the "go ahead" I'll post the name and address, He may even advertise here. . .
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
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Posted: Saturday, January 26, 2008 - 09:46 PM UTC
January 27, 2008, Status end of month Report for Aeroscale Early Aviation hangar . Greetings all

Inprogress activities.

1. Roden Junkers Ju D.I build 100% completed

2. Eduard Wire wheels demo ...99% complete. Begun in July '07 will get to finish these trying to add some new pieces.

3. Eduard Spandaus demo ...95% complete. Begun in Aug. '07 will get to finish these trying to add some new pieces.

4. Re view on the Gavia and Eduard Alb. D.I & D.II in progress.

5. Portfolio features in the works.
Early war fighters
Fok. E.V / D.VIII
Sopwith on the Thames

6. Portfolio Fokker D.VII - Complete ready to be posted.

7. Early Bird Contest was completed on Dec. 31, 2007. Winner were posted and Prizes sent out.

8. Between the Wars Air Campaign to run from Nov. 1, '07 to April 30, '08 and a set of wings was designed by our good Man Jean Luc!

9. Feature in progress Top Secret. Code Name End of the trail. Several items have been completed and it continues.

10. On site Group Build is slated to kick off. Roden donated 5 of their 1/32 scale kits for the event beginning on 1 February 2008. Theme : "Building the big kits". Several of the kits have already arrived at their desination.

11. Four 1/48 scale kits are having the "New Lozenge" applied and One is completed. Trying to finish a second for the Availability announcement here at Aeroscale sometime around 1 Feb. 2008.

12. Review for the Roden 1/32 SE 5a & Fokker D.VI in progress.

For the correctness of the record:
Lieut. Gen. Stephen T. Lawson
(callsign JackFlash)
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
KitMaker: 11,669 posts
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Posted: Saturday, February 23, 2008 - 01:42 PM UTC
Febrary 23, 2008, Status end of month Report for Aeroscale Early Aviation hangar .

Greetings all;

Inprogress activities.

1. In the box reviews on Roden the 5 @ 1/32 Roden kits for the GB are on the homepage.

2. Eduard Wire wheels demo ...99% complete. Begun in July '07 will get to finish these trying to add some new pieces.

3. Eduard Spandaus demo ...99% complete. Begun in Aug. '07 will get to finish these trying to add some new pieces.

4. In the box review on the Gavia and Eduard Alb. D.I & D.II completed.

5. Portfolio features in the works.
Early war fighters
Fok. E.V / D.VIII
Sopwith on the Thames

6. Portfolio Fokker D.VII - Complete ready to be posted. Working on captions now.

7. Early Bird Contest was completed on Dec. 31, 2007. Winner were posted and Prizes sent out. All prizes except forr the 1st place arrived in good order. Argentina seems to have lost KALT's models. More later.

8. Between the Wars Air Campaign to run from Nov. 1, '07 to April 30, '08 and a set of wings was designed by our good Man Jean Luc! I have chosen "the Spirit of St Louis" Ryan NYP for my build.

9. Feature in progress Top Secret. Code Name End of the trail. Several items have been completed and it continues. Recently a couple of Fokkers with the new lozenge were displayed that will go into the diorama.

10. On site Group Build is slated to kick off. Roden donated 5 of their 1/32 scale kits for the event beginning on 1 February 2008. Theme : "Building the big kits". Several of the kits have already arrived at their desination. All prizes except for the Fokker Dr.I. Argentina seems to have lost KALT's model. More later.

11. Five not four 1/48 scale kits are having the "New Lozenge" applied and Two are completed. Trying to finish a 3-5 for the website as well.

For the correctness of the record:
Lieut. Gen. Stephen T. Lawson
(callsign JackFlash)
"Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!"
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
KitMaker: 11,669 posts
AeroScale: 11,011 posts
Posted: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 - 07:33 PM UTC
March 26, 2008, Status end of month Report for Aeroscale Early Aviation hangar .

Greetings all;

Inprogress activities.

1. In the GB reviews on Roden the 5 @ 1/32 Roden kits has been established and the Fokker F.I, Albatros D.III and SE5a. The Argentine Postal service has failed to deliver our good man Kalt his models. 1 for the GB and his prize for the Aeroscale 2007 contest.

2. Eduard Wire wheels demo ...99% complete. Begun in July '07 will get to finish these trying to add some new pieces.

3. Eduard Spandaus demo ...99% complete. Begun in Aug. '07 will get to finish these trying to add some new pieces.

4. Between the Wars GB goes well and is due to be completed on April 30, 2008. Completed builds keep being added.

5. Portfolio features in the works.
Early war fighters
Fok. E.V / D.VIII
Sopwith on the Thames

6. Portfolio Fokker D.VII - Complete ready to be posted. Still working on captions now.

7. Early Bird Contest for 2008 is being planned. More later.

8. My build for the Between the Wars Air Campaign was "the Spirit of St Louis" Ryan NYP is completed and final image to be posted.

9. Feature in progress Top Secret. Code Name End of the trail. Several items have been completed and it continues. Recently a couple of Fokkers with the new lozenge were displayed that will go into the diorama. New builds have been started.

10. The "When I flew with. . ." Group Build is slated to be posted for acceptance this week. Hopefully to kick off in mid April 2008.

11. The new lozenge website is almost complete and I an encouraging the owner(s) to let me announce it.

For the correctness of the record:
Lieut. Gen. Stephen T. Lawson
(callsign JackFlash)
"Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!"
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
KitMaker: 11,669 posts
AeroScale: 11,011 posts
Posted: Friday, June 06, 2008 - 08:57 PM UTC
May 31, 2008, Status end of month Report for Aeroscale Early Aviation hangar .

Greetings all;
It has been too long since I was able to sit down and provide the report. This has been due in a large part to my other job. You know the one that pays the bills. So lets get right to it.

Inprogress activities.

1. In the GB reviews on Roden the 5 @ 1/32 Roden kits has grown to 7 large sacle Roden WWI kits with a possible inclusion of an eight. The deadline has also been extended to Jan31, 2009. The Argentine Postal service has completely failed to deliver our good man Kalt his models. 1 for the GB and his prize for the Aeroscale 2007 contest. I have written a sharp letter of protest to the Argentinian Postal Officials. In the mean time Kalt has invested in his own kit for the build and is to be awarded the Good conduct medal from the Early Aviation Hangar here at Aeroscale.

2. Eduard Wire wheels demo ...99% complete.
3. Eduard Spandaus demo ...99% complete.

4. Between the Wars GB went well and was completed on April 30, 2008. Awards duely handed out.

5. Portfolio features in the works. have stalled temporarily due to added duties but will continue.
Early war fighters
Fok. E.V / D.VIII
Sopwith on the Thames

6. Portfolio Fokker D.VII - Complete ready to be posted. Captions completed .

7. Early Bird Contest for 2008 is being planned. More later.

8. New air campaign has been started with the theme "When I flew with. . ." I am Campaign Leader and due to popular demand it was opened to all eras..

9. Feature in progress Top Secret. Code Name Forgotten Nest. Several items have been completed and it continues. Recently a couple of Fokkers with the new lozenge were displayed that will go into the diorama. New builds have been started and some completed.

10. The new lozenge website is complete and I an encouraging the owner(s) to let me announce it. The owner is waiting on the decal instructions to be printed.

For the correctness of the record:
Lieut. Gen. Stephen T. Lawson
(callsign JackFlash)
"Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!"
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
KitMaker: 11,669 posts
AeroScale: 11,011 posts
Posted: Monday, June 23, 2008 - 01:16 PM UTC
June23, 2008, Status end of month Report for Aeroscale Early Aviation hangar .

Greetings all;
The past month has seen some unique builds added to the Early Aviation title. More and more members are contributing and its great to see the work progressing.

Inprogress activities.

1. In the GB reviews on Roden the 5 @ 1/32 Roden kits has grown to 7 large scale Roden WWI kits with a possible inclusion of an eighth. Still waiting to hear from one fellow. The deadline has also been extended to Jan31, 2009. In the mean time Kalt has invested in his own kit for the build and is to be awarded the Good conduct medal from the Early Aviation Hangar here at Aeroscale.

2. Eduard Wire wheels demo ...99% complete.
3. Eduard Spandaus demo ...99% complete.

4. The "When I flew with . . . " Air Campaign is going along nicely. I am Campaign Leader and due to popular demand it was opened to all eras..

5. Portfolio features in the works.
Early war fighters
Fok. E.V / D.VIII
Sopwith on the Thames

6. Portfolio Fokker D.VII - Complete ready to be posted. Captions completed. Look for it this next month.

7. Early Bird Contest for 2008 is being planned. More later.

8. The new lozenge website is complete and I am encouraging the owner(s) to let me announce it. The owner is waiting on the decal instructions to be printed. Still on it.n I have added some lozenge to kit wings in preparation of showing them here and on the website. Two full kits are being covered as well, rib tapes and all.

9. Feature in progress Top Secret. Code Name End of the trail. Several items have been completed and it continues. A couple of Fokkers with the new lozenge were displayed that will go into the diorama. New builds have been started and some completed.

10."I am waiting on the replacement sample kit from Eduard concerning their Fokker Dr. I kit. Review to be forthcoming. The back up plan is ready incase they drop the ball.

For the correctness of the record:
Lieut. Gen. Stephen T. Lawson
(callsign JackFlash)
"Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!"
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
KitMaker: 11,669 posts
AeroScale: 11,011 posts
Posted: Monday, July 21, 2008 - 04:52 PM UTC
July 21, 2008, Status end of month Report for Aeroscale Early Aviation hangar .

Greetings all;
The summer trend for members showing off some inprogress and completed build continues. The top performers have been several builds of the Eduard Alb. D.V Weekend kit and several pleasant surprises were the individual inprogress & completed kits. I have seen some modelers really stretching their talents and being successful. Most impressive

Inprogress activities.

1. In the GB reviews on Roden the 5 @ 1/32 Roden kits has grown to 7 large scale Roden WWI kits The deadline has also been extended to Jan. 31, 2009. Last one to join but first one finished with a stunning build was our good man Lars Qvarfordt. Mild mannered butcher by day, gardener by evening and deep in the darkest night the man of steel bending plastic to his will. His cape is blue and yellow I hear.

2. Eduard Wire wheels demo ...99.999% complete.
3. Eduard Spandaus demo ...99.999% complete.

4. The "When I flew with . . . " Air Campaign is going along nicely. I am Campaign Leader and due to popular demand it was opened to all eras. Looks like I will be doing an SE 5a and a Fokker D.VII. More later on this.

5. Portfolio features in the works.
Early war fighters
Fok. E.V / D.VIII
Sopwith on the Thames

6. Portfolio Fokker D.VII - Complete ready to be posted. Captions completed. Waiting on some Aeroscale labeling

7. Early Bird Contest for 2008 is being planned. Looking for a kick off date.

8. The new lozenge website is complete and I am encouraging the owner(s) to let me announce it. The owner is waiting on the decal instructions to be printed. Still on it. I have added some lozenge to kit wings in preparation of showing them here and on the website. Two full kits are being covered as well, rib tapes and all. These are almost completed.

9. Feature in progress concerning Dwayne Williams fine build of the 1/48Blue Max Halb. CL.II.

". . .One WWI kit that I started and I know is kept safely in it's own drawer is a little Special Hobby Pfalz D.XII. I might wheel that out into the light of day again. But first I must finish the Dr.I. More kits in the pipeline. These will require your attention."

For the correctness of the record:
Lieut. Gen. Stephen T. Lawson
(callsign JackFlash)
"Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!"
Mourning the loss of two kits.
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
KitMaker: 11,669 posts
AeroScale: 11,011 posts
Posted: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 - 09:24 AM UTC

Quoted Text

"July 21, 2008, Status end of month Report for Aeroscale Early Aviation hangar.
Amendment to Item 6. Portfolio Fokker D.VII - Complete ready to be posted. Captions completed. Waiting on some Aeroscale labeling. . . "

Files awaiting edit by our own Jean-Luc.

For the correctness of the record:
Lieut. Gen. Stephen T. Lawson
(callsign JackFlash)
"Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!"
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
KitMaker: 11,669 posts
AeroScale: 11,011 posts
Posted: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 - 10:49 AM UTC
August 26, 2008, Status end of month Report for Aeroscale Early Aviation hangar .

Greetings all;

While the Early Aviation title has been steadily active and threads growing by leaps and bounds. I thought you might like to see what I have been upto.

A. I had several reviews to get out .
1.Fokker D.VII Weekend kit (build and review)
2.Fokker Dr.I Como.
3. Spowith Camel Weekend kit.

B. two GBs, (One on Aeroscale as moderator and one on Finescale as resident consultant.)
C. Summer activities ending school beginning,
D. work, work work (my real job.)
E. three total Fokker D.VII to finish (2 for the new lozenge manufacturer).
F. Model Cellar Von Richthofen Brothers to build and review.
G. three SE 5a kits finished (actually 5 to do total.) 1 @1/32 for GBs and 4 @ 1/48 scale.
H. one Fokker D.VI kit (Roden 1/32) for the GBs.

And. . .The Eduard 1/48 Spad XIII kit to prep for in Sept.

Inprogress activities.

1. In the GB reviews on Roden the 5 @ 1/32 Roden kits has grown to 9 large scale Roden WWI kits The deadline has also been extended to Jan. 31, 2009. Last one to join but first one finished with a stunning build was our good man Lars Qvarfordt. The next was the incredible Brad Cancian and his rendition of Fok. F.I 103/17.

2. Eduard Wire wheels demo . . .100% complete.
3. Eduard Spandaus demo . . .100% complete.

4. The "When I flew with . . . " Air Campaign is going along nicely. I am Campaign Leader and due to popular demand it was opened to all eras. Looks likeI finished an SE 5a and a Fokker D.VII. I am hoping for more finished build from others.

5. Portfolio features in the works.
Early war fighters
Fok. E.V / D.VIII
Sopwith on the Thames

6. Portfolio #5 Fokker D.VII - posted. Captions completed. Thanks to Aeroscale's own Jean - Luc. He really deserves most of the credit. He make my stuff look even better.

7. Early Bird Contest for 2008 has been planned. But there doen't seem to be an interest in proceeding at this time. More on that later.

8. The new lozenge website is complete and I am encouraging the owner(s) to let me announce it. The owner is waiting on the decal instructions to be printed. Still on it. I have added some lozenge to kit wings in preparation of showing them here and on the website. Two full kits are being covered as well, rib tapes and all. These are almost completed.

9. Feature completed concerning Dwayne Williams fine build of the 1/48Blue Max Halb. CL.II.

10. New tutorials planned.
a. Undwerstanding Photo Etch and its applications.
b. Research tools that are critical to builds.
c. Simple conversions for daring results.

For the correctness of the record:
Lieut. Gen. Stephen T. Lawson
(callsign JackFlash)
"Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!"
Mourning the loss of two kits.
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
KitMaker: 11,669 posts
AeroScale: 11,011 posts
Posted: Sunday, September 21, 2008 - 03:32 PM UTC
September 21, 2008, Status end of month Report for Aeroscale Early Aviation hangar .

Greetings all;

The summer months have come to a close and the sweet season of Autumn is upon us. The daylight hours will change and modeling hours will increase before the holidays will be upon us.

A. I had several reviews to get out . These are completed.
1.Fokker D.VII Weekend kit (build and review) . . . Done
2.Fokker Dr.I Como. . . Done
3. Spowith Camel Weekend kit. . . Done.

B. two GBs, (One on Aeroscale as moderator and one on Finescale as resident consultant.)
C. 28th Wedding anniversary. . .one of the more quite ones.
D. work, work work (my real job.)
E. three total Fokker D.VII to finish (2 for the new lozenge manufacturer). Two completed.
F. Backdating the ICM Soviet figures to represent uniforms from the 1920's.
G. two SE 5a kits finished (with 5 to do total.) 1 @1/32 for GBs and 4 @ 1/48 scale.
H. Eduard 1/48 Spad XIII kit on the board undergoing evals for review.

Inprogress activities.

1. In the GB reviews on Roden the 5 @ 1/32 Roden kits has grown to 10 large scale Roden WWI kits The deadline has also been extended to Jan. 31, 2009. Last one to join but first one finished with a stunning build was our good man Lars Qvarfordt. The next was the incredible Brad Cancian and his rendition of Fok. F.I 103/17.

2. The "When I flew with . . . " Air Campaign is going along nicely. I am Campaign Leader and due to popular demand it was opened to all eras. Looks likeI finished an SE 5a and a Fokker D.VII. I am hoping for more finished build from others.

5. Portfolio features in the works.
a. Spad figfhters
b. Early war fighters
c. Fok. E.V / D.VIII
d. Sopwith on the Thames

6. Early Bird Contest for 2008 had been planned. But there doen't seem to be an interest in proceeding at this time.

8. The new lozenge website is complete and I am encouraging the owner(s) to let me announce it. The owner is waiting on a set of CDL decals to be printed. Still on it. I have added some lozenge to kit wings in preparation of showing them here and on the website. Two full kits are being covered as well, rib tapes and all. One was completed with the second.

10. New tutorials planned.
a. Understanding Photo Etch and its applications.
b. Research tools that are critical to builds.
c. Simple conversions for daring results.

For the correctness of the record:
Lieut. Gen. Stephen T. Lawson
(callsign JackFlash)
"Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
KitMaker: 11,669 posts
AeroScale: 11,011 posts
Posted: Saturday, October 25, 2008 - 01:42 PM UTC
October 25, 2008, Status end of month Report for Aeroscale Early Aviation hangar .

Greetings all;

The fall/ autmn is upon us and we step in to the early holiday months. I am a fall/ winter person so no wonder I ask you, What are you putting on your to do list for the winter months? Consider this and I'll start a thread on it later.

A. I had several in the box reviews to get out . These are completed.
1. 1/48 Eduard DH 2 Weekend kit #8444 . . . Done
2. 1/48 Fly Macchi M5 Fly48002 . . . Done.
3. 1/48 Eduard Spad XIII kit # 8196 . . .Done
4. 1/32 Roden Alb. D.III (OAW). . .Done.
5. 1/32 SE 5a w/ Hispano - Suiza characteristics. . .Done.

B. Two GBs, (One on Aeroscale as moderator and one on Finescale as resident consultant.)
C. Whole family cleaning house and etc for holidays
D. work, work work (my real job.)
E. 1 @ Battle Axe 1/32 Fokker D.VII to repair.
F. Backdating the 1/48 ICM Soviet figures to represent uniforms from the 1920's.
G. 3 @ Roden SE 5a kits to finish 2 @ 1/48 Viper types and 1 @1/32 Viper for GB.
H. 1 @ Eduard 1/48 Spad XIII kit undergoing prep work for a build up review.
I. 1 @ Roden 1/32 Fokker D.VI for the early Aviation GB.

Inprogress activities.

1. In the GB reviews on Roden the 7 @ 1/32 Roden kits has grown to 12 large scale Roden WWI kits with a 13th about to be announced. The deadline has also been extended to Jan. 31, 2009. First one finished with a stunning Nieu. 28 C. build was our good man Lars Qvarfordt. The next was the incredible Brad Cancian and his rendition of Fok. F.I 103/17. Hugh Coleman is almost finished with his version of 103/17. Though he had a major setback that would have killed project for lesser modelbuilders. Hugh came back in true form. He gets this month's award for the "Steely-eyed model builder for the month of Oct.2008."

2. The "When I flew with . . . " Air Campaign is going along nicely. I am Campaign Leader and due to popular demand it was opened to all eras. Looks likeI finished an SE 5a and a Fokker D.VII. I am hoping for more finished build from others.

5. Portfolio features in the works.
a. Spad figfhters . . .started.
b. Early war fighters. . .working on it.
c. Fok. E.V / D.VIII. . . started.
d. Sopwith on the Thames. . .almost finished.

6. Early Bird Contest for 2008 had been planned. Due to other activities we will probably save it for next year.

8. The new lozenge website is complete and and we were the first to announce it. The owner is taking ideas for future releases. Kits are being considered for other Microsculpt lozenge applications as well, rib tapes and all.

10. New tutorials planned.
a. Understanding Photo Etch and its applications.
b. Research tools that are critical to builds.
c. Simple conversions for daring results.

11. Memo for the notice board. Have been closing threads that are a year old with no activity. If you authored one of these and have additional images or info just let me know and I will reopen them.

For the correctness of the record:
Lieut. Gen. Stephen T. Lawson
(callsign JackFlash)
"Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
KitMaker: 11,669 posts
AeroScale: 11,011 posts
Posted: Saturday, November 22, 2008 - 05:08 PM UTC
November 23, 2008, Status end of month Report for Aeroscale Early Aviation hangar .

Greetings all;

The fall/ autumn is upon us and we step in to the early holiday months. I am a fall/ winter person so it is no wonder I ask you, What are you putting on your to do list for the winter months? Consider this and let us know in the leaves are falling thread.

A. An in the box review and several review kits were gotten out to the builders.
1. 1/32 Roden Spad VII . . . done and in the hands of the builder Rick Geisler (RAGIII )
2. 1/32 Roden Alb. D.III (OAW). . .done and in the hands of the builder Carl Althaus (CaptainA)
3. 1/32 SE 5a w/ Hispano - Suiza characteristics. . .done and in the hands of the builder Mark Hamrick (guitarlute).
4. Thumbnail reviews on various Windsock Datafiles.
5. Feature by Peter Plattner concerning the Special Hobby Lloyd C.V.

B. Two GBs, (One on Aeroscale as moderator and one on Finescale as resident consultant.)
C. Thanksgiving done early this year so whole family could be together.
D. work, work work (my real job.)
E. 1 @ Battle Axe 1/32 Fokker D.VII being repaired.
F. Backdating the 1/48 ICM Soviet figures to represent uniforms from the 1920's . . .done
G. 3 @ Roden SE 5a kits to finish 2 @ 1/48 Viper types and 1 @1/32 Viper for GB.
H. 1 @ Eduard 1/48 Spad XIII kit undergoing prep work for a build up review. . .in progress.
I. 1 @ Roden 1/32 Fokker D.VI for the early Aviation GB. . . lozenge decals and interior in progress.
J. Installed 24 of my most recent completed projects for display at The Lafayette Foundation.

In progress activities.

1. In the GB reviews on Roden the 7 @ 1/32 Roden kits has grown to 14 large scale Roden WWI kits. The deadline has also been extended to Jan. 31, 2009.

First one finished with a stunning Nieu. 28 C. build was our good man Lars Qvarfordt.

The next was the incredible Brad Cancian and his rendition of Fok. F.I 103/17.

Third in completed status is Rick Geisler's excellent Alb. D.III.

Next is carl Althaus with his lightning fast build of the Alb. OAW D.III kit.

Hugh Coleman is almost finished with his version of 103/17. He had a major setback that would have killed project for lesser modelbuilders. Hugh came back in true form. Hugh has also begun an SE 5a with the Hisso engine characteristics like Mark Hamrick (guitarlute) and they are in cohoots not to clash with colour schemes so we are in for a treat!

2. The "When I flew with . . . " Air Campaign is going along nicely but is close to its completion date.. I am Campaign Leader and due to popular demand it was opened to all eras. I finished an SE 5a and a Fokker D.VII. I am hoping for more finished builds from others.

5. Portfolio features in the works.
a. Spad figfhters . . .started.
b. Early war fighters. . .done
c. Fok. E.V / D.VIII. . . started.
d. Sopwith on the Thames. . .almost finished.

6. Due to other activities we will save the Early Bird Contest for next year.

8. The new lozenge website is complete and and we were the first to announce it. The owner is taking ideas for future releases. Kits are being considered for other Microsculpt lozenge applications as well, rib tapes and all. I am in progress with a review

10. New tutorials planned.
a. Understanding Photo Etch and its applications.
b. Research tools that are critical to builds.
c. Simple conversions for daring results. . .posted.

11. Memo for the notice board. Have been closing threads that are a year old with no activity. If you authored one of these and have additional images or info just let me know and I will reopen them.

For the correctness of the record:
Lieut. Gen. Stephen T. Lawson
(callsign JackFlash)
"Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!”
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
KitMaker: 11,669 posts
AeroScale: 11,011 posts
Posted: Friday, November 28, 2008 - 05:03 PM UTC
Date: 28 Nov. 1918.

To: Aeroscale Vice Air Marshall Rowan ( I will finish a kit!) Camelhill-Baylies

From : Lieut General Stephen ( Joyous Noel) Lawson.

Re:Charge of Quarters Memorandum Aeroscale Early Aviation Hangar .

The Fokker D.VI is taking shape nicely though the near disaster of several days ago had me worried, all is well. The cockpit and lozenge applications are nearly complete. The SE 5a has one or two minor items to add then can be closed up. Ursula brings me coffee and pumkin pie a la' mode. The snow is really piling up outside. 4-5 inches in about two hours.

Its a quiet night here at 9:36 pm. Your Philco radio (We borrowed) is playing holiday tunes. The cook has set out a feast of post Thanksgiving Turkey, mash potatoes gravy and real cranberry sauce. The chili cheese frys are pretty good too. Teas and coffee and hot Dr.Pepper are out on the long tables as well. Breads, rolls, cakes and pies. Fresh churned ice cream and the soft giggling of the all girl ground crew as they sit watching "White Christmas" with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye. Dress is casual.

Expecting delivery of Eduard fokker E.III any day now. The newly appropriated beds and furniture are a great . The crew is happy. Multiple projects in the pipe. Don't worry about sending a dig out crew. We will be fine. The girls all have the can do attitude so prevalant with their unit motto. As their leader and commander I will stay with my post and we will weather this storm together. Must close as the pajama party and pillow fight is almost underway and I am the referee.

Thine in kind respects and for the correctness of the report.
Lieut. Gen. Stephen T. Lawson
(callsign JackFlash)
"Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!”
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
KitMaker: 11,669 posts
AeroScale: 11,011 posts
Posted: Monday, December 22, 2008 - 02:43 PM UTC
December 22, 2008, Status end of month Report for Aeroscale Early Aviation hangar .

Greetings all;

The winter is upon us and we settle in to the middle of the holiday months. I am a fall/ winter person so it is no wonder I ask you, What are you putting on your to do list for the winter months? Consider this and let us know in the leaves are falling thread.

A. An in the box review and several review kits were gotten out to the builders. Their status now is;
1. 1/32 Roden Spad VII . being built by Rick Geisler (RAGIII )
2. 1/32 Roden Alb. D.III (OAW). being built by Carl Althaus (CaptainA)
3. 1/32 SE 5a w/ Hispano - Suiza characteristics. being built by Mark Hamrick (guitarlute).

B. Two GBs, (One on Aeroscale is completed with awards already issued. And one on Finescale as resident consultant.)
C. Chrisymas activities abound.
D. On vacation til Jan 4,
E. 1 @ Battle Axe 1/32 Fokker D.VII being repaired.
F. 3 @ Roden SE 5a kits to finish 2 @ 1/48 Viper types and 1 @1/32 Viper for GB.
G. 1 @ Eduard 1/48 Spad XIII kit undergoing prep work for a build up review. . .in progress.
I. 1 @ Roden 1/32 Fokker D.VI for the early Aviation GB. . . Done!
J. Prepping 6 of my most recent completed projects for display at The Lafayette Foundation.

In progress activities.

1. In the GB reviews on Roden the 7 @ 1/32 Roden kits has grown to 14 large scale Roden WWI kits. The deadline has also been extended to Jan. 31, 2009.

First one finished with a stunning Nieu. 28 C. build was our good man Lars Qvarfordt.

The next was the incredible Brad Cancian and his rendition of Fok. F.I 103/17.

Third in completed status is Rick Geisler's excellent Alb. D.III.

Fourth is Lars Qvarfordt again with his beautiful Pfalz D.III.

Fifth is Hugh Coleman's impressive Fok. F.I.

Sixth is my Fokker D.VI

Next is Carl Althaus with his fast - almost built of the Alb. OAW D.III kit.

Hugh has also begun an SE 5a with the Hisso engine characteristics like Mark Hamrick (guitarlute) and they are in cohoots not to clash with colour schemes so we are in for a treat! There are no less than four of the SE 5a kits under construction.

2. The "When I flew with . . . " Air Campaign is completed.

5. Portfolio features in the works.
a. Spad figfhters . . .started.
b. Early war fighters. . .done
c. Fok. E.V / D.VIII. . . started.
d. Sopwith on the Thames. . .almost finished.

6. Due to other activities we will save the Early Bird Contest for next year.

8. New tutorials planned.
a. Understanding Photo Etch and its applications.
b. Research tools that are critical to builds.
c. Simple conversions for daring results. . .posted.

9. Memo for the notice board. Have been closing threads that are a year old with no activity. If you authored one of these and have additional images or info just let me know and I will reopen them.

11. Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to all!

For the correctness of the record:
Lieut. Gen. Stephen T. Lawson
(callsign JackFlash)
"Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!”