1⁄35Henschel of the Eastern Front
The rest of the assembly was minor things like the center-line drop tank, boarding steps, ram-air venturi, cockpit entry doors, bomb racks and the unspatted landing gear. As I said in my full-build review, the molding of the unspatted landing gear is flawless. Each landing gear is comprised of three pieces-the unspatted gear strut, wheel yolk and the support yolk. Assembly was very easy and looks great when finished. I did find that the modification I made to the lower wing to accept the unspatted gear required a little more work. The reason being that when I made the original modification, I made it without the upper-half of the lower wing attached per the instructions. When the lower wing halves are glued together, there is a bit of plastic from the upper-half that impedes inserting the unspatted gear strut all the way into the hole. I was able to take care of it with the motor tool and rounded bur inserted into the hole but I recommend that anyone performing this mod do some dry-fitting of the gear strut with both halves of the lower wing before assembly is completed.