A Nose Full of Teeth: The Bf110 Haifisch Zerstorer

Completing the Rest of the Kit

[click for larger images]

Taking heart from the fact that I could still carry on, I completed the rest. The decals came next, after a thin coating of Future on the whole model. I had to cut out the decals in places where intermediate film was there. I used spot priming of Future for the decals, and this helped the decals stick really well to the kit. This was followed up by another thin coat of Future, and finally a clear acrylic matt coat. I put on the wheel assemblies and bombs in due course. The rear wheel assembly was also painted at this time.

Making the Base

The base for the plane was made using ice-cream sticks and a piece of Styrofoam board 20cm by 20cm in size. I started off at the edges in a diagonal fashion, adding planks so that they could represent a series of wooden slats laid out on the ground. After finishing this, I gave the whole wooden planking a coat of matt white from a spray can. This was allowed to dry and then a coat of medium-thick acrylic black wash went on to simulate usage. I just took the stuff up from a small tin and splashed it all over at random using random brush strokes to spread the wash around. The oil stains were done using a round brush dipped in black acrylic paint from a tube, and spread around thinly. The wheel streaks were done using a close cropped brush dipped in the excess paint from the oil stains and drawn upwards using a drybrushing technique. A few splats of black paint here and there completed the base.

About the Author

About bytepilot


Hi TinCan, Thanks for putting up my article. BTW, the callsign I use at Armorama is bytepilot(just to confirm if you haven't got it already!) Cheers, BP(alias Shekar Rao)/
JUL 29, 2003 - 03:49 PM
Cool plane. Good recovery on the canopy. Happy modeling and a beer too! capnjock
JUL 29, 2003 - 03:59 PM
Wow! Looks like the real thing!
JUL 29, 2003 - 10:59 PM
:-) Nice one BP, the recovery from the canopy was an inspiration to all on the campaign. Again well done and a nice article. Mal
JUL 30, 2003 - 07:19 AM
wow cool plane,,, iam going to build the same kit really soon i hope, the fuji kit has the shark theeth. thats the kit iam geting
JUL 30, 2003 - 08:30 AM