1⁄35Luft '46 Colours Part 4: Naval Applications
Of course standard Naval schemes would have, at least initially, been applied. However applying Luft 46 logic and the RLM’s tendency for change and experimentation, probably new and adjusted colours and schemes may have been adopted.Also if the Kriegsmarine had been supplied with a few carriers, their areas of operation would have been diverse and therefore may have had a distinct influence on the colours/schemes of their aircraft. For example a camo colour scheme designed for the North Atlantic or the Baltic would probably not be as effective in the Med.
Therefore I’ve tried to come up with a variety of schemes with a Naval flavour, again taking into consideration the previously discussed supply problems of the late war years.
Most colours used in the diagram profiles use colours from mixing existing standard RLM shades.
The schemes use a number of variations of greens, blues and greys with RLM 21, RLM 22, RLM76 and RLM 84 as the main base colours for mixing.
I’ve introduced a single scheme per plate to give a more clear view, as the limitations of the standard site image allowance is not always ideal when two schemes per plate are shown. You live and learn...lol.Comments
Thank you Rowan for the heads up.
Process was very quick this time...well done staff....excellent work.
Part 5 will take a look at bombers, as promised....got to keep the heavy fans happy...lol.
AUG 11, 2004 - 01:49 PM
Cheers Peter
It's great to get positive feedback that the Support Centre system is working well.
To be fair, in dealing with submissions, I'm still trying to live up to the fantastic standard Bryan (Tin_Can) has set. Any recent hold-ups were totally down to circumstances over which Bryan had no control.
Once again, let me thank everyone for submitting new Features and Reviews - the best tribute we can pay to Bryan is to ensure the Aircraft Forum is flourishing when he's able to pick up the reins again.
All the best
AUG 12, 2004 - 04:41 AM
Very Interseting feature. Most of the planes (jet) shown, I have NEVER heard or seen before. Did these jets actually make it to combat?
AUG 17, 2004 - 11:42 PM
Hi Johnny
No, these were just "paper projects" and, to be honest the, the Me262T "Eisvogel" wasn't even that; it's something that I dreamed up in response to a question from Peter about which German jets would have made a good carrier aircraft!
The 'T is based on real designs though; it combines the nose cockpit arrangement of the Me 262 Schnellbomber and Aufklärer designs with the tail of the Me262C series, which had a Walter rocket motor in the tail. That way, the 'T would have provided good visibility for for carrier landings with a rocket-assisted take-offs.
All just speculation... but that's part of the fun!
All the best
AUG 18, 2004 - 02:27 AM
further to Merlin's reply, if you really want to find out about Luft 46, try a visit to LINK
If you like what you find there, be warned...you'll spend hours there as there is so much to see.
Indeed the vast majority of aircraft designs/concepts were only on paper, but some made wind tunnel models, pre production mock-ups and the like. And at the end of the war some were in final, albeit desperate, prep for actual production.
Many projects were "liberated" by the allies and some had direct influences on aviation design thereafter.
For example many believe the MiG 15 was the child of the Fw Ta183. And Bell made their own version of the Me P1101 which did fly.
Many years later NASA made an experimental aircraft that had scissor wings and it flew too.
AUG 18, 2004 - 03:09 PM
Copyright ©2021 by Peter Allen. Images also by copyright holder unless otherwise noted. The views and opinions expressed herein are solely the views and opinions of the authors and/or contributors to this Web site and do not necessarily represent the views and/or opinions of AeroScale, KitMaker Network, or Silver Star Enterrpises. Images also by copyright holder unless otherwise noted. Opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of AeroScale. All rights reserved. Originally published on: 2004-08-11 00:00:00. Unique Reads: 14162