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The famous cast that entitled Vanize complimentary ribbons in both the "Show your teeth" and "Suez 50 years" campaigns
well, actually, I only received a pity ribbon from the immensely kind moderator of the Suez campaign (thank you very much!). The "Show Your Teeth" campaign was apparently too viscious for that.

BTW, the car wreck that caused that broken hand was a large part of the reason I dropped out of modeling for a while, as I also got a mild case of whiplash from it. The neck injury did not affect me much at first besides spinal stiffness for a few weeks, but a few months down the line (after the broken left hand had healed) it cause a pinched nerve which gave constant pain in my right shoulder and also numbness in my right thumb and index finger for over a year. It still bothers me a little sometimes, but my worst days now are far better than my best ones were 6 months ago, so it is definitely on the mend (finally) and I can do stuff that requires fine dexterity again. I am REALLY gald that is more or less behind me now.
Then there was also a 1000 mile move across the country (to warmer weather), a new job, a wonderful new girlfriend (who totally tolerates modeling mania and messed up shoulders), and buying a fixer-upper house in the middle of all that too. the result of the latter is that I now have a whole room devoted to being my model building studio (to heck with guest bedrooms!) and a garage with a corner setup for airbrushing -much better than working on the kitchen tble and trying to spray paint on the balcony.
Hooray for new beginnings!
Anyway, the ups and downs of my personal life is way off topic - I will most likely be doing an RF-84F (a fusion of Heller and Monogram kits) for this campaign, but an Accurate Minitures F-6 Mustang is not out of the question.
It's good to see that you are still in the running campaigns business PolarBear.