Early Aviation
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1/32 Roden GB 2008 Pfalz DIII
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 - 10:33 AM UTC
It is coming along real nice.
Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Monday, December 08, 2008 - 03:01 AM UTC
The Pfalz is in it final stage and I’m starting to attack the groundwork for it. I will paint the propeller this evening and try to get the rest off the rigging in place tomorrow, for the moment I’ll working on the crewman for the Pfalz. Now let the pics talk

Larsa Q
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Monday, December 08, 2008 - 03:08 AM UTC
So far Lars , this is awesome ! I'm falling in love all over again .

Where did you get the bike ?
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 08, 2008 - 03:10 AM UTC
Absoluteely AWESOME build! Well done!! As beautiful as I have come to expect from your work.
Texas, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 08, 2008 - 03:34 AM UTC
Terri, Like you, I really wish Roden had done the D.IIIa as well (more colorful schemes, & Loz on the fabric areas). I THINK I have some 1/48 plans for the D.III/IIIa. If you would like copies to try enlarging them to 1/32, all I need is your mailing address.
Regards from Texas, Rob
BTW, Mike Taylor says he has 1/32 Loz in the works!
Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Monday, December 08, 2008 - 03:35 AM UTC
Hi Terri
You find the bike in Tamyia´s old box #240. It´s an 35-scale but who can see that The crewman is from the same box, and you got two off them so I can use the last on another project.

RAGIII you just think to high off me

New York, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 08, 2008 - 04:17 AM UTC
Very nicely done Lars. The finish is great, well worth the extra steps if you ask me. The figure and bike will add TONS of personality.

United States
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Posted: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 - 02:00 PM UTC
The plane is just incredible. I have the kit but I'm not going to build it until I've practiced on a few of my other ones. Thanks for the inspiration.

Colorado, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 - 03:18 PM UTC
Excellent! Larsa you are in the home stretch for finishing another.
Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 02:39 AM UTC
Thanks guys and Terri.
sculpting the figure is not my bag.I can´t tell you guys how impressed I am off Mike Blank, Mike good and all off thoose very talented folks that sculps for fun, this is hard work.Hopefully the crewman in the end is so good that I still can use him infront off the Pfalz. I don´t want an misfit/alien besides this bird

More pics coming

Larsa Q
Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 09:19 AM UTC
hey Larsa,

The Pfalz looks sensational and the figure looks just fine.

I reckon a bit of paint will bring him to life.

I will be very interested if you would post some progress shots of your painting process.


Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2008 - 04:53 AM UTC
Hi Hugh
Off tyhe figure? yep if you want that it comes

Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2008 - 09:26 AM UTC
Yes Larsa, the figure.

If your in progress shots of that are as informative as those of the aircraft, we will be well served.


Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2008 - 05:45 PM UTC
The figure itself was from the same box as the bicycle. It was made as a WW2 German so the reason I chose this was for the face. For once Tamyia had a face with some personality to it. Brand as Hornet and Ultracast have separated heads in this scale with nice details and expressions to the face.
First step was to take away most off the surface details on the figure itself. I used the Dremel to fix this. To recreate the new clothes for the mechanic I hade Osprey`s Elite “German Air forces 1914-1919” as reference.
Plate B3 in the book gives a nice picture off a groundcrew.
I used putty from “Wargamer” and some toothpicks sanded to different shapes and coated with superglue as tools for the job on the jacket. The putty was rolled out on the torso to make the new jacket. I had to do this in stages, first the left frontside, then the right frontside when the first was set and hard. Then the backside. When all was set and dry a light sanding to get it smooth, still there´s a lot off imperfections to deal with.Last all tiny details was added as buttons and collars.

Larsa Q

Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Friday, December 12, 2008 - 09:03 PM UTC
Hi folks

I started painting the crewman yesterday, as always I’m using Humbrols for this.
The whole figure got the first coats off paint all over.
From the top to bottom I used flat red for the rim on the cap, the face got the first skin mix off flesh (61) and linen (74).This base will be the middle tone off the face. The darker areas will have the same mix then adding some wine red (100) and leather (62).Highlights in the face is done with the first mix adding white (34).
The black clothing is mixed from flat black (33), tan (118) and flesh (61).
To darken the folds I add more black (33), and fore the highlight I just using the start mix and add more flesh and brown.

Now when I’m right in the middle off turning this to a vignette it’s just too easy to add too much off all. In the pics I have a Rodent on the backside, don’t know if I ending up with it. The puppy pay’s his tribute to the bike and this will stay. The bike is almost finished just have to fix the headlight lens with some silver paint and a drop off transparent glue for the lens.
I have looked thru my staff off bits and pieces searching for some cartwheels. Sadly I don’t have any so the idea off making a fuelcart I 32-scale have be for another one in the future..

Larsa Q
Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Sunday, December 14, 2008 - 12:51 AM UTC
Finally can the Pfalz leave the bench this morning, here it is with crewman and bike, dog and the rat. This Pfalz was a fun build, but the kit had its personality. The decals in this kit was the worst I ever had to deal with from Roden, They cracked instantly when getting wet and they did not react to any solvent. So if you going to build this replace the decal or make your own templates
The leaves and rat comes from Plusmodels, the bike and the figure comes from an old Tamyiakit.

Now when the Pfalz left the bench, I can get on with the Albatross D1 and the Staaken.The SPAD will have to wait a bit longer

Larsa Q
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Sunday, December 14, 2008 - 01:07 AM UTC
What can I say? I LOVE it. And I want one. My Roden stash is gonna get outta hand soon.

Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, December 14, 2008 - 03:37 AM UTC
Fantastic Lars ! I still say that this is the worlds sexiest aircraft and you made it come alive !
Stockholm, Sweden
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Posted: Sunday, December 14, 2008 - 08:08 AM UTC
Great built Lars, I like it more than the Albatros

What is it a squirrel or a rat on the left side (not talking about the dog peeing on the bicycle!)?

Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Sunday, December 14, 2008 - 09:20 AM UTC
Sensational Lars!
I like the vignet very much!

Interesting to hear about the decals. That's why I mask and spray as a matter of course these days.


Colorado, United States
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Posted: Sunday, December 14, 2008 - 10:22 AM UTC
Another masterpiece Larsa! My sincere thanks for your participation in the build!
Texas, United States
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Posted: Sunday, December 14, 2008 - 11:44 AM UTC
Absolutely fantastic!! Love the figure, the leaves, the bike, the dog, amazing!!
Mendoza, Argentina
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Posted: Sunday, December 14, 2008 - 05:28 PM UTC
Wonderful vignette I love the Pfalz, Congratulations !!!!!
Quebec, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 05:33 AM UTC

Very creative piece! I love the idea of the aircraft being larger than the confines of the base and the pail,chocks and feet actually blurring the line of reality.Your use of a light grained wood base and its color reflecting the prop ,dog and even the pilots skin color is super.The dog and bike and of course the rat ,all make for a wonderful composition .Love it!
Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 06:13 AM UTC
Thanks Carl
This will not be the last build there I will throw in some gadgets on the base. This 32 scale just screaming for some airfield stuff to add.
For the moment I´m looking for some kartwheels, would love to get a refuellingkart in this scale for the Albatros D1.My plan is to scale up Hippo´s from 48-scale. Hopefully I can find some nice figures to go with it.

Larsa Q