The Hansa-Brandenburg W-29 was designed by the end of 1917 by Ernst Heinkel as successor of the successfull Hansa-Brandenburg W-12.
The German navy demanded a faster aircraft with larger fire power to resist the Felixstowe flying boats. The W.29 was a two seat monoplane.
The first production series of six aircraft, numbers 2201 - 2206, was ordered in december 1917. Delivery was in spring 1918.
These six aircraft were equipped with a Benz Bz.lIIb. engine rated 185-195 hp. Remarkeable were the six exhausts, pointing upwards at port side of the plane. Also the engine cowling has air intakes.
July 4 the first fight between four W.29s and three Felixstowes occured. Alle Felixstowes were shot down and there were no Germans losses.
The W-29 was armed with two fixed forward firin, sychronized Spandau machine guns plus one movable Parabellum machien gun for the observer.
The fuselage resembled its precendent the hansa-Brandenburg W.12. Also the floats were almost the same. The wings was of a wooden constrution coveren with doped linen.
This will be my next project to start this week .
Just have to print the profiles in a plotter because my regular printer doesnt support it.
Any help on this one will be great.
Hope you like the plane, and also hope everything works fine in the end.
I'll post some photos when i start the work on the plane.