Well, I got the F-117 back out on the workbench last night. Man it sure was good to get back at it. I'm anxious to finish it.
I want to take a minute to address a few of the posts above this......
Hermon- Up to this point, I've only dabbled a little in photo-etch and that has been on armor kits. This is the first time I've tried any PE on an aircraft. Matter of fact, this is my first aircraft attempt in years....I'm an armor builder at heart. The hydraulic lines will provide a little more detail for someone to see. It will be interesting to see how the flat lines look when they are painted. I'm going to paint them heavy in the hope that the extra paint will make the lines look more three dimensional. In regards to the paint job, that is still up in the air. I'm leaning more toward a black finish instead of the three color. We will see.
Carl- Thanks for the compliment regarding having a clean build. So far so good...
Jean-Luc- Thank you for your compliments as well. I would be more than happy to submit this for a feature if all continues to go well. I may send you a message or two regarding the particulars on how you would like to see the feature put together.
Now for an update...Since the last 'progress' post prior to me moving, I have put on several additional PE details to the upper and lower fuselage. The details have mainly consisted of assorted vents and the air intake screens. I have also used the included masks to mask off all clear parts in preperation for airbrushing. I still have to install the clear parts for the navigation lights and put on the associated masks for them. Doing a great job on the navigation lights are critical to me. As a result of the entire aircraft being one color, the navigation lights will draw a lot of attention due to their color (red/green) I think.
I have assembled the LGB's minus the clear guidance nose piece. They went together with no problems. I still need to prime them in preperation for painting.
Last night, I got all of the kit sub-assemblies laid back out. I re-familiarized myself with where I was at in the kit instructions and PE instructions. I reattached a couple of PE pieces that popped loose during my move. I installed a couple of additional PE pieces.
My main focus the coming weekend will be to get the bomb bay and landing gear well components primed and airbrushed. At the end of the Memorial Day holiday, I hope to have the bomb trapeze's installed and the landing gear wells installed. I think then I will be in a position to join the upper and lower fuselage halves together.
I'll stop rambling for now..I will post some additional pictures on the weekend (22nd to 25 May).