Yes , what marking will it be ? , to be hounest i´m not so sure now. When i started this one out i was 100% dessided i would do the red and blue mashin on the boxart , paint for it is already bought ,but now i´m not that convinced anymore
The number 2 mashine among Rodens verssions , the alu-yellow-black one from jasta 10 looks also really good , one of the things i really like with this ww1-airplanes are their collorful paintshemes .
To make things even more comfusing for myself i opend the Eduard combobox to se what paintalternetives was there and ofcourse i found two more nice ones from jasta 10

With some cutting in Rodens decalshett the aircraftnumbers will be able to get right .
It would be really fun to do a mashin that´s not from the kit itself so the one with green tail is higest on the list , for the moment , i guess
Maybe it would be some of you fellow modellers out ther who will make the dessision because i have another question now
If there is someone who have and can upload or tell me where to find a authentic photo of some of these four mashines , i have a idé for my shelf to have a photo from that time of the planes i build.
I managed to find one for my Fokker i reasently made and it became this way
I know it might be to much to wish for , but it would be realy nice i think.
More progresspictures to come