Well Rusty are you looking for acrylics or oil ? most of the latter here use acrylics paints . For airbrushing the paint needs to be thinned . Tamyia , Gunzu , Testors Model Master , Polly Scale ........ The list goes on . The paint should be thinned to the concisest of skim milk . For use of thinners you do have different options . You will get better results using the same as the manufacture to what paint . Rubbing alcohol ( isopropyl) can be use for all acrylics and is much cheaper . Add the thinner slowly , if you add to much you will have to remix a new batch . Always easier to add more . I always spray with flat base paints . I find they cover better then gloss base paints but this is just me .
Oil paints are the same for thinning and you can use mineral spirits for thinning as well However , they are harder to clean the airbrush where acrylic paint can be cleaned with water , rubbing alcohol even windex and easier on the lungs .
Can't help you with the jet thingy , I know nothing about jets , but I do look forward to your build ...............................all this said with out my morning coffee .......