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Thanks for that Stephen, and i'am glad you said all that and not me, so if the kit is correct, and the drawnings incorrect, does that mean all the guys [ sorry and ladies] who model and use the Windsock Datafiles on other aircraft, have they then made mistakes if changing a kit to suit the drawnings, or is it just this Windsock issue!
No worries. Remember that often once drawings are done even if in scale the formating of the publishing concern is the chief offender in kicking a drawing out of scale. In a recent Schiffer book called "Schlachtflieger!" Literally all of the perfectly drawn plans had their original borders removed by Schiffer and the drawings were made to fit "their book format borders". So consequently all of the drawings that were perfect are now underscaled. This is not writer's, Ray's or the the artists fault it is the publishing house that demands certain borders and formating be adhered to. As far as Datafiles go most are spot on. This one can be used well enough if you have a head's up.