This is a brief for anyone showing up that needs some direction.
Oct 05 2009. The Early Aviation title is highly active these days with reviewing new kits Featuring works, plans, new modeling items specifically for the time era of early aviation up through 1934. All scales all kits, all builds. It is a free forum an the search engine can be mastered easily. We try to cross reference earlier threads within newer threads on like minded or similar topics. We have just finished featuring Eduard's great kits and have begun our second forum located GB. This one concerns the fast growing New Zealand based manufacturer Wingnut Wins. Featured on our homepage and in the the pages of Windsock, Albatros Ltd.
(Our first forum located GB was with our dear friends Roden and their wonderful 1:32 series kits.) Questions on early aviation or building kits representing real aircraft from this timeline are always welcome.
We ask simply that everyone is shown courtesy and respect. There is room at the mess table for anyone who wants to pull up a chair. The coffee's on and the dessert cart is just being rolled in. Model On!
Early Aviation
Discuss World War I and the early years of aviation thru 1934.
Discuss World War I and the early years of aviation thru 1934.
Hosted by Jim Starkweather
Whats going on here?


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Posted: Monday, October 05, 2009 - 06:11 PM UTC


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Posted: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - 02:05 AM UTC
The format for titling threads is a topic that we sometimes overlook. Think about titles in the manner that you might need to look a subject up at a later date.
Always the manufacturer should be listed first. The scale and as a standard we are asked to use the colon 1:72, 1:48 & 1:32 etc. Then the kit type Fok.Dr.I or Fokker Dr.I, Spad XIII, SE 5, Se 5a, Albatros D.V , Albatros D.Va , Nieuport 17 Nieuprt 24 and etc. The only problem abbreviationg French aircraft designations is that is how French Escadeilles noted their units. N.3 was Nieuoprt 3 esc. Spa 3 was the same unit at a later date with Spad fighters in use.
Roman numerals were used in most cases but you throw in the BEF & AEF and we start seeing Arabic numerals in aircraft designations. The whole endeavour is to help others when looking up specific subjects.
In general cases like scratchbuilding parts, paint colours, tools just the manufacturer is good.
Always the manufacturer should be listed first. The scale and as a standard we are asked to use the colon 1:72, 1:48 & 1:32 etc. Then the kit type Fok.Dr.I or Fokker Dr.I, Spad XIII, SE 5, Se 5a, Albatros D.V , Albatros D.Va , Nieuport 17 Nieuprt 24 and etc. The only problem abbreviationg French aircraft designations is that is how French Escadeilles noted their units. N.3 was Nieuoprt 3 esc. Spa 3 was the same unit at a later date with Spad fighters in use.
Roman numerals were used in most cases but you throw in the BEF & AEF and we start seeing Arabic numerals in aircraft designations. The whole endeavour is to help others when looking up specific subjects.
In general cases like scratchbuilding parts, paint colours, tools just the manufacturer is good.
Removed by original poster on 07/12/10 - 18:12:22 (GMT).


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Posted: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 - 02:23 PM UTC
Just a friendly reminder to anyone posting here from Rowan and myself.
". . .One point (and this applies to everyone) - do please be careful about scanning copyright material. I think the Windsock plans above are just about safe, as they are very low-res and hopefully serve as an encouragement to others to buy the book. "Fair use" is always a thorny subject - and seems to be something of a legal minefield with differing interpretations depending who you ask. As a rule, be on the safe side - if possible, obtain permission to use pics that aren't your own. Otherwise, keep them low res and always credit the publisher. . ."
Truthfully speaking I have run into this several times where publishers take a deep offense to even low res images being posted. I had one such fellow begged me to present his materials. I even purchased a set. When I posted a low res image of his artwork and put the Aeroscale logo on it so if it did get lifted by some one it could not be used elsewhere without sticking out like a sore thumb. (I even had noted in the text it was his artwork.) Yet he quickly demanded I remove the image. I did remove it of course.
But now I have chosen not to review the items I purchased because I don't trust the individual anymore. Moral of the story: Be cautious about others materials & use your own photo images in reviews and blogs. It just safer. Fortunately larger companies understand if they give us their images the word gets out more quickly. So we use them in the "whats new" or "what to look for" categories. But with reviews and blogs always use your own images. I have used other people's build images in reviews with their permission of course. Modelers are a good bunch of fellows and for the most part we are glad to help each other.
". . .One point (and this applies to everyone) - do please be careful about scanning copyright material. I think the Windsock plans above are just about safe, as they are very low-res and hopefully serve as an encouragement to others to buy the book. "Fair use" is always a thorny subject - and seems to be something of a legal minefield with differing interpretations depending who you ask. As a rule, be on the safe side - if possible, obtain permission to use pics that aren't your own. Otherwise, keep them low res and always credit the publisher. . ."
Truthfully speaking I have run into this several times where publishers take a deep offense to even low res images being posted. I had one such fellow begged me to present his materials. I even purchased a set. When I posted a low res image of his artwork and put the Aeroscale logo on it so if it did get lifted by some one it could not be used elsewhere without sticking out like a sore thumb. (I even had noted in the text it was his artwork.) Yet he quickly demanded I remove the image. I did remove it of course.
But now I have chosen not to review the items I purchased because I don't trust the individual anymore. Moral of the story: Be cautious about others materials & use your own photo images in reviews and blogs. It just safer. Fortunately larger companies understand if they give us their images the word gets out more quickly. So we use them in the "whats new" or "what to look for" categories. But with reviews and blogs always use your own images. I have used other people's build images in reviews with their permission of course. Modelers are a good bunch of fellows and for the most part we are glad to help each other.


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Posted: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 - 09:46 AM UTC
I have noted on some sites that when someone provided detail not generally known on a particular subject there usually follows someone who espouses the "right to just have fun". Generally speaking forums are for sharing info and displaying images that provoke responses. If I respond with a detail on a build, it always seems someone (not usually the builder) calls it "nitpicking"and goes into a speech against "übermodeling".
While modeling is a hobby some people enjoy the details and adding a bit more to a build. That is why we are here right? Everyone has the right in a forum to respond (within tasteful limits) to any post. Note, said nitpicking may be blunt but never slanderous. And not wanting to take myself too serious here. But I don't seem to get it when someone joins a thread to minimize the help another offers.
While modeling is a hobby some people enjoy the details and adding a bit more to a build. That is why we are here right? Everyone has the right in a forum to respond (within tasteful limits) to any post. Note, said nitpicking may be blunt but never slanderous. And not wanting to take myself too serious here. But I don't seem to get it when someone joins a thread to minimize the help another offers.


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Posted: Sunday, September 26, 2010 - 09:29 AM UTC
Looking at the threads today I am struck with the fine craftsmanship and also the excellent responses to members posts. Let me take this moment to thank all members for their wonderful participation here. Model on!
Greetings all;
You may know about this already but here is an interesting tool.
scale conversion table / calculator
Greetings all;
You may know about this already but here is an interesting tool.
scale conversion table / calculator


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Posted: Monday, October 11, 2010 - 04:38 PM UTC
Just a note here about Self Promotion".
Now for members there is nothing wrong with dropping a thread in saying ". . . I have posted something for sale check this out in the Aeroscale For Sale forum or the new Kitmaker auction forum." But don't be surprised when the announcement thread gets locked. The Early Aviation forum will not become a battleground should someone be less than forthcoming in a trade, sale or auction.
In the same vein, we have regular threads by companies that have and continue to contribute review samples and contest prizes to us. We welcome their participation and friendship to Kitmaker / Aeroscale. Some even buy advertizing space.
And finally there are the small and young companies that come here and post their availability of their wares and haven't yet contributed anything. We hope that they will seriously concern themselves with giving us a chance to personally review their items and products. We want to give them that chance.
This is the attitude that we will take on "self promotion." It will not effect regular postings, build logs or normal inquiry threads.
The real place to promote your self is the banner at the bottom of each of your posts. The banner is set up in your profile box so you can link to your own website where you can offer items for internet purchase.
So it will be unless Jim Starkweather says otherwise.
Now for members there is nothing wrong with dropping a thread in saying ". . . I have posted something for sale check this out in the Aeroscale For Sale forum or the new Kitmaker auction forum." But don't be surprised when the announcement thread gets locked. The Early Aviation forum will not become a battleground should someone be less than forthcoming in a trade, sale or auction.
In the same vein, we have regular threads by companies that have and continue to contribute review samples and contest prizes to us. We welcome their participation and friendship to Kitmaker / Aeroscale. Some even buy advertizing space.
And finally there are the small and young companies that come here and post their availability of their wares and haven't yet contributed anything. We hope that they will seriously concern themselves with giving us a chance to personally review their items and products. We want to give them that chance.
This is the attitude that we will take on "self promotion." It will not effect regular postings, build logs or normal inquiry threads.
The real place to promote your self is the banner at the bottom of each of your posts. The banner is set up in your profile box so you can link to your own website where you can offer items for internet purchase.
So it will be unless Jim Starkweather says otherwise.


Joined: January 25, 2004
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Posted: Sunday, November 21, 2010 - 04:04 PM UTC
Now that the WNW GB 2009-2010 has come to a close we are waiting on a response from WNW on their choice for who gets a free kit. Now here is a surprise for you all. They have not responded with a name. Yet I am sure they have decided. Put your thinking caps on Aeroscale members. What could they be waiting on? Your answer will come very soon. Ssssshhhh its a secret.


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Posted: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 - 05:01 PM UTC

Dec.1, 2010 Ssshhh! The banner on the WNW Coming soon says 2010. They are closed Dec.25 (Their time). Their 29 Nov deadline does not inclued new releases?
The first two are specific and the last says "the rest of the world. . ."
The shipments dates are Dec. 9 -13 to supposedly arrive before Christmas. So the question is will they be released in 2010? Anyone care to choose a date?


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Posted: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 - 05:05 PM UTC
March 19 , 2011


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Posted: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 - 07:46 PM UTC
Hard to guess – but I'll take a wild stab – 1 Feb 2011...


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Posted: Sunday, December 05, 2010 - 11:40 AM UTC



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Posted: Monday, December 06, 2010 - 11:45 AM UTC
Next WNW release, I am gonna go with the 9th of December 2010.......
because that is what is says on the website..........
because that is what is says on the website..........


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Posted: Monday, December 06, 2010 - 01:18 PM UTC
Well whatever the release date it seems good old europe has passed the ship by christmas no WNW Xmas pressies for releasing between now and the final shipping date for the USA is kind of kicking us in Europe in the teeth?
((I trust WNW relase propaganda the same as that of any other manufacturer...though some are considerably worse
((I trust WNW relase propaganda the same as that of any other manufacturer...though some are considerably worse



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Posted: Monday, December 06, 2010 - 04:35 PM UTC
New section "NEWS" on WNW website - just announced "3 Days Left Till New Releases Announced!!"
Probably the Roland D.VIb and the Pfalz D.IIIa . . . Maybe something else?
Probably the Roland D.VIb and the Pfalz D.IIIa . . . Maybe something else?


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Posted: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 - 04:13 PM UTC
Quoted Text
New section "NEWS" on WNW website - just announced "3 Days Left Till New Releases Announced!!"
Probably the Roland D.VIb and the Pfalz D.IIIa . . . Maybe something else?
Looks Like its going to be the Gotha. OOOps D.H.9a and the Hansa-Brandenburg W.29. They had us all going.


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Posted: Thursday, December 09, 2010 - 03:21 AM UTC



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Posted: Friday, December 31, 2010 - 04:53 PM UTC
Taking a break from working on my Eduard 1:48 DH 2. The first snow of the year here. Snacks and "White Christmas" on the box. Still one more day of my Stay-cation.


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Posted: Saturday, January 22, 2011 - 03:13 PM UTC
The annual Early Aviation GB has been announced and will begin on February 2nd and run through December 31st 2011. Sign up in the Campaign forum to be complete this next week. "Knights of the Sky GB 2011".
Posted: Saturday, January 22, 2011 - 03:29 PM UTC
What's with the fan dance on TV????


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Posted: Saturday, January 22, 2011 - 05:20 PM UTC
Fred. . ."White Christmas".


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Posted: Saturday, April 09, 2011 - 01:48 PM UTC
For those of you in the Knights of the Sky GB I post this here too.
Also noting threads that have not been active for a month or so I will unsticky them to make room on the front page here as well. BUT! you can access your thread through the list I have provided in the KotS general info thread and up date it at any time to keep it stickied. If I get all 34 builders going at one time we won't have room for the coming Reviews and Features on page 1. Balance is a good thing.
Also noting threads that have not been active for a month or so I will unsticky them to make room on the front page here as well. BUT! you can access your thread through the list I have provided in the KotS general info thread and up date it at any time to keep it stickied. If I get all 34 builders going at one time we won't have room for the coming Reviews and Features on page 1. Balance is a good thing.


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Posted: Monday, August 22, 2011 - 06:14 AM UTC
John Reid's thread on the placement of builds into a museum - How to, has been moved to the General aircraft forum. Its a good thread but will everyone some good there.


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Posted: Thursday, October 27, 2011 - 05:01 PM UTC
Just a bit of explanation here.
In my reviews and such I have had inquiries as to why I photograph my subjects obliquely or at an angle. For the most part this concerns the art work of a company's decals. I also keep the resolution low. That way no one can "use" our images to copy for their own use. The reviews are to let you know what comes in a kit and the markings / decals relevent to the box art and profiles.
In my reviews and such I have had inquiries as to why I photograph my subjects obliquely or at an angle. For the most part this concerns the art work of a company's decals. I also keep the resolution low. That way no one can "use" our images to copy for their own use. The reviews are to let you know what comes in a kit and the markings / decals relevent to the box art and profiles.


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Posted: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 - 07:10 AM UTC
Hey everybody gather round. I don't want to brag too loud but because of you all, as of today we have 1,991 topics with 29,137 posts. Thats less topics but more posts than the WWII crowd and more than half of the longest standing topic General Aircraft. It seems we are pretty busy round here. Model On!
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