Having built most of this kit I must say that my example, at least, is not up to Eduard's usual standards. I have three Eindecker III builds in 1/72 and one E-IV, all from Eduard. One of my built EIII builds has won a number of awards in local shows. This is to the point that I love the airplane and waited years for Eduard to release this kit in 1/48. I bought one immediately. Unfortunately, the quality of the casting on my example is very poor. The fuselage halves do not come together, top and bottom, flat. The cross section is more like a very shallow "v" that has to be filled. It's large and deep enough that putty is required. The really bad thing here is that the work that must be done on the top and bottom of the fuselage completely destroys the delicate impressions of the internal framing pressing into the fabric covering. In fact, the top of the fuselage right behind the gas tank cover was so bad I had to cover it with thin styrene sheet. All in all, the fuselage is now ruined in that it never will have the same level of detail and smoothness as it was intended.
I had been on the verge of buying the Dual Combo kit but unless I determine that I got a bad example in my box, I will have to think long and hard before buying another 1/48 Eindecker from Eduard. And, that's a shame because this is one of the top models I want in my collection.