long time i posted something overhere.
This is a commision build, so the person who ordered the build, chose for a very intresting plane, that crash landed in Kent, during the Battle of Brittain......
Pilot of this plane was Hauptmann Franz Von Werra, an ace that escaped from his prison in Canada, and returned to flying status with the Luftwaffe.
I will using the Eduard BF-109E-4 kit, and also lot's of aftermarket items.
Aires cockpit set
Aires wheels
Eduard PE
Master machine gun and canon barrels
Scale Aircraft Conversion landinggear
Quickboost exhaust
As reference i will use the Squadron Signal BF-109E Walk Arround book.

Whe start like alway's with the cockpit, the two fuselage half's where cleaned up a bit, because some little flash was spotted, not much, but enough to get my attention

Like i said before, regarding the cockpit, i will use the excellent Aires cockpit set.
I dryfitted this already, and i must say, the fit is excellent.

In combination, i will use the colored PE instrument panel, that is included in the kit.
The resin sidewalls are cut from theire casting blocks, and sanded to fit in the fuselage half's.
Some minor sanding is needed to one of the fuselage half's, and with the help of a glass fibre pen, this job is easily done.

For the PE i will wait until the two half's are painted in theire base color.
Also the oil cooler compartiment is glued together, with the help of some PE, provided in the kit.

Not much progress, but it's a start.
Please feel free to give comment's.