The VIII wasn't a re-engined V; it was virtually a new airframe, with shorter ailerons, retractable tail wheel, wing fuel tanks, and (initially, at least) extended wingtips. These innovations helped to delay its entry into service, and were included in the later XIV. Right up to 1944, there were plans for it to carry 4 cannon, including the short-barrelled Mk.V Hispano, but it never happened. If the wingtips are included in the new issue, it will give modellers the opportunity to do the high-altitude scheme of Sea Grey Medium over Azure Blue.
To expect a Griffon-engined variant, from this kit, is asking a bit much, I fear, since it would need a new firewall/front end, plus a new, larger, fin/rudder combination. I expect to see an electric motor powered version (there's a hole in the fuselage, through which wires can go,) and, possibly, a XVI, since they've supplied an aerial mast on the rudder, and the Russians used the XVI, with old-style H.F. aerials; for a XVI, though, they'll need to make subtle changes to the engine.