The Focke Wulf Fw 190 has been my favourite german fighter of WW 2 for long time. So I have build some in the past years, which I would like to show you in this thread. Are you interested to see them? If yes, that's fine

I will begin with the latest which I have built earlier this year. It's one half of a dual combo, the other half I will show you in the next weeks.
This is a Fw 190 A-8/R-2, a so called "Sturmbock" of 6./JG 300. The "Sturmböcke" were heavily armed and amoured to fight the myriads of incoming american bombers in 1944/45 at a very close distance of often less then 100 meters and - if neccessary - ram them. These "Sturmböcke" needed also fighter protection, which usually were high flying Bf 109.

The original aircraft was flown by Unteroffizier (Corporal) Paul Lixfeld. He achieved 2 kills before he was shot down in this aircraft on 17. December 1944. Fortunatly he could bail out and even survived the war. The weapons in this aircraft consisted of a 20 mm MG 151/20 and a 30 mm MK 108 in each wing. Both fuselage guns have been removed and covered. The aircraft probably also had the big wooden paddle propellers.

The kit is this fantastic Tamiya 1:48 one, which is very easy to assemble. Just add glue and shake

The main colours are RLM 74/75/76 with RLM 75 painted on the cowling and a dark grey, possibly RLM 66, painted on the fuselage sides, including the Balkenkreuz and the fuselage gun hatch. The armour ring around the engine is also painted in RLM 76, while the underside engine hatch is painted in RLM 04. The extra armour plates on both sides of the cockpit I also painted in RLM 75. The word on the left armour plate reads "Muschi", maybe the nickname of Lixfeld's girlfriend. On both sides of the cowling you can see the boar head of the "Wilde Sau" units. Maybe Lixfeld was a member of them before he joined the Sturmgruppe.

So, this is the end of our little walk around of this extraordinary aircraft. Hope you like it. If you have comments, feel free to post them

Oh, and don't use the stencils on the Aeromaster sheet, if you want to build this aircraft. They are in a dreadful german orthography .....

Happy modelling!