Yes, I like the Fury too.
Oh, who am I kidding? Honestly, it would be very difficult for me to name an interwar airplane I don't like. My first aviation love is WWI, but lately I am finding interwar aircraft to be just as, if not even more, interesting. If only aircraft of the '20s and '30s were as popular as WWI among plastic model manufacturers! Accurate Miniatures and Classic Airframes made a start, but now they are both defunct, and even before they went the way of the dodo, I recall reading somewhere that Jules Bringeur said he would never bring out another interwar airplane kit--they just weren't big sellers. Lately though, Silverwings and Rest have given us interwar 1/48 scale enthusiasts cause for celebration--may they continue to thrive and hopefully provide inspiration to others!
Thanks for all your positive comments on the Bulldog. The project got off to a rocky start. I had an old Pyro boxing of the kit sitting in the stash for years, but when I was ready to start building it, I discovered the wings were short shot and unusable, so it went back into the stash, waiting for that mythical time in the future when I would scratch build a set of wings for it (yeah, right!). Then about a year ago I was in one of the very few LHS left in my area when I saw the Lindbergh reissue sitting on their shelf--the price was right so I snapped it up. Later, at home, I noticed the decals didn't look very good, so into the stash it went. What finally got me motivated to build the kit was the beautiful "Silver Wings" decal sets from Model Alliance--so many great choices, but in the end I had to go with Sir Douglas Bader's machine, both for the colors and the historical significance.